Just then Merve comes with her son. She came late to the hospital because her car broke down and had to be towed it.

"Pay attention to your condition and your future baby. Your baby is my nephew. Don't get tired easily. Rest at home!" Merve said to Arini.

Because everyone who was there told Arini to go home, Arini finally went home.

Not long after, when Arini came home with her driver, Doctor Alex came to check on Salim's condition.

After examining the man, Doctor Alex went to see Salim's family. Doctor Alex said, "I'm sorry, it seems that Mr. Salim's condition hasn't improved. As a result of the very hard impact in the accident, it is likely that when Mr. Salim wakes up later, Mr. Salim will lose his memory. Mr. Salim will have amnesia!" said the doctor Alex.

Those who listened to the doctor's words were shocked! They did not expect Salim's condition to be like that.

"The doctor is not wrong right? Will my younger brother have amnesia? Is it true? Is the doctor sure?" Merve said pretending to be sad.

"Yes Mrs, Mr. Salim will lose his memory. However, it is only a temporary possibility. We will know after he wakes up from his coma.

From behind the door of the patient room, Sabrina seems to be eavesdropping on the conversation between the Salim family and the doctor. Sabrina was also surprised to hear the news. She is afraid of losing Salim. Sabrina is afraid that Salim won't recognize her when she wakes up. The woman was also already pregnant with the conglomerate man. She is very scared when she informs about her pregnancy Salim evades. Because people who have memory loss will not remember something that has been passed.

"What? Salim's amnesia? No, this can't be happening! If Salim is amnesiac, then what about me? I'm currently pregnant with his child! I hope he still remembers me!" Sabrina shouted in her heart.

Not long after, Alex's doctor came out of the room, then Sabrina said, "Wait! Wait, doctor! Is it true that Salim will lose his memory when he wakes up? Can it be cured?

Can amnesia be cured doctor? Did it take a long time to recover?" Sabrina asked the doctor.

"It all depends on the type and severity. The more severe the cause, the amnesia will take longer to heal. However, that doesn't mean amnesia can't be cured!" Doctor Alex answered to Sabrina.

That morning, Arini seemed to come again to the hospital. The woman wanted to see her husband's condition as soon as possible. Arini is not calm at home. She thought of her husband who was in a coma in the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Arini met Davina who at that time wanted to meet Alex, her older brother.

"Arini...! What are you doing here? You want to see a gynecologist? Or, Is there anyone sick in your family?" Davina asked Arini.

"My husband was in Davina's accident. He is unconscious. My husband is in a coma right now. I am very sad to see him!" Arin replied to Davina.

After they chatted for a while, Alex came over to the two of them.

"Arini introduce my older brother, his name is Alex. He's a doctor here!" Davina said to Arini.

"Doctor Alex? Yes, this is the doctor who treats my husband Davina. So, this is your brother? By the way, doctor, I was just about to met doctor Alex. I want to ask about my husband's condition. His name is Salim Fernandez Alfatih. He's an accident patient that the doctor treated yesterday!" Arini asked the handsome doctor.

"Mr. Salim's condition is still the same as yesterday, Mrs. Arini! Mr. Salim hasn't woken up from his coma. And there's bad news!" Alex said explaining to Arini.

"Doctor...what is that? Tell me!" Arini replied looking surprised and curious!" Ask Arini with curious and surprised face.

Mr. Salim will probably lose his memory when he wakes up from his coma. The accident was hit her head hard. So, in the probably bad case, he will have amnesia!" said the doctor Alex to Arini.

"Never mind Arini! Don't worry! It's just a possibility, and not necessarily happen. Don't think too hard Arini. You relax and leave everything to your God. Rest assured your husband is fine. My sister will definitely try to do the best for Salim!" Davina reply spontan.

"Yes, thank you so much, Davina! You are always there when I need a friend. I am very lucky to have a friend like you!" Arini replied.

Davina tries to comfort Arini. She didn't want her friend to be sad. Because it will affect her pregnancy directly. Davina is very considerate and kind to Arini. They are like sisters.

Not long after, Arini said goodbye to Davina and Alex. She wants to go to the room where Salim was being treated. Arini will see Salim's condition firsthand.


In a different place, Merve talks with his son, Gokan.

"You will soon become the CEO of the Alfatih Group company. Are you know? Your mother very happy right now. You will replace Salim. If he loses his memory, your grandmother will definitely forbid him from working. And that will be your chance to get all of Salim's wealth! I can't wait for that day dear! You will be respected by all Gokan dear!" Merve said with a face full of cunning and passionate.

"I will influence grandma to do all of this. Grandma will hand over Salim's position to me! Mother don't worry! Your son is very smart!" Gokan replied to his mother.

Sabrina was in her apartment at that time. She dares not visit Salim. Because, at that time, all of Salim's family were in front of her dark lover's treatment room.

Arini seemed to be waiting for Salim in the treatment room. She shed tears. She couldn't bear to see her husband's unconscious state. Arini is in an unstable condition. As he walked towards the exit, Arini suddenly fell and fainted.

A man who was passing by, immediately helped Arini. He brought Arini to the room and shouted for the nurse's help.