I am confused and sad about the state of my husband Mom! I will do anything for my husband to recover quickly. Today I will see doctor Alex!" Arini said.

Okay! I will always support whatever you do for the good of Salim! But, you have to be careful Arini! That woman has gone too far! She has dared to arrange all the people who are here! Her behavior is getting out of control!" Mrs. Amel replied.

Andreas suddenly appeared and said, "Do you want me to take Arini? I'm ready to help you! Come on Arini! I've changed! I'm not the old Andreas! I've realized that I've been so outrageous and mean to you and Salim all this time . As an apology and to make up for my mistake, let me help you. I also wish Salim a speedy recovery.

"Okay! I want to be delivered by you! But you have to promise, don't throw tantrums again! I'm giving you one chance to change!" Arini said.

Finally they both went to the hospital to see doctor Alex. Merve saw Arini getting into the car with Andreas. At that time, Merve started to wonder about the change in Andreas' attitude.

"What's wrong with my husband? I've been observing him for the past month. He went with Arini. Looks very familiar. My husband is not usually close to Arini!" Merve said curiously.

Arini arrived at the hospital. Arini talks to doctor Alex about Salim. Alex's doctor advised Arini to remain patient. Because in the case that happened to her husband, it took a long time for the healing process. In addition to drugs, therapy and support from the family are needed.

"Mr. Salim needs to calm down. Don't put pressure on him, if you force him to remember everything instantly, it won't help. It will make him feel even more depressed. If that is allowed, it is possible that Mr. Salim will not remember his past permanently or forever. The key is patience. Let him remember naturally and slowly!" Doctor Alex said.

"So, that means my husband can recover but it will take a long time?" Arini asked doctor Salim with a worried face.

"Yes! You have to be patient!" Answer Doctor Alex.

A few minutes later, Merve called Andreas. Merve was jealous because her husband took Arini to the hospital.

"Hello, why are you taking that woman? What do you mean by taking Arini to the hospital? Do you like Arini? Are you out of your mind?" Merve asked her husband.

Suddenly a woman who was behind him answered Merve's question on the phone.

"Yes! Andreas likes Arini! Why? Are you jealous, Merve? Poor you! Your husband is no longer interested in you! He is more interested in Salim's wife, Arini. Arini is beautiful and clever. For Andreas, Arini is the perfect woman. Unlike you, who can only make him dizzy and depressed. What boy would like a woman like you, Merve? You are boring to your husband! Poor Merve!" Sabrina said inciting Merve to hate Arini even more.

Hearing Sabrina's words, Merve was furious. Her emotions are out of control. She almost slapped Sabrina.

"You want to slap me Merve? Slap...slap me now! I can use this as an excuse to kick you out of this house! All assets in this house belong to my future husband. Salim Fernandez Alfatih. You are only Salim's half brother. You have no right to this house and its contents. You're just a parasite in this house, Merve!" Sabrina said with a face full of cunning.

"Shut up! Shut up, Sabrina! I won't let Salim marry you! I'll prevent that! You won't be able to marry Salim! You'll see, what surprise did I do to make you cry blood!" Merve said threatening Sabrina.

"Do you think I'm scared? I'm not scared! Salim can't possibly annul his wedding to me! I'm pregnant with his child now! Remember Merve! Your crime card is in my hands! So don't mess with me! I can just share the CCTV footage now! . If the tape is released, you will go to jail. Then your beloved child's career will be destroyed. Because no company would want to work with the son of a criminal like you. A mother who once attempted to murder her half-brother! Very sorry for your son, Gokan!" Sabrina said threatening Merve.

At the same time, Gokan is seen talking to his grandmother, Mrs. Serra. Gokan asked Mrs. Serra to promote herself in the Alfatih Group company. Because at that time it was a good opportunity for him to replace Salim who was currently suffering from amnesia.

"Grandma, can I be included or promoted at the company now? I thought, This is the right time. Because Uncle Salim is currently sick. He can't possibly handle the company by himself, grandma! Uncle's condition hasn't recovered yet. While waiting for Uncle to recover, I can help at the company!" said Gokan.

"You're right, Gokan! Later, grandma will talk to your uncle! Grandma will ask Uncle Salim to promote you at the company. Don't worry honey! You will definitely be working at the Alfatih Group company soon!" Mrs. Serra replied to Gokan.

In the evening a man was seen entering the front yard of the conglomerate family's house. He entered the house through the back door. Suddenly the man startled Sabrina.

"Honey! Where were you yesterday! I was looking for you baby! I miss you baby!" said the man.

"Shhtttt...! Why did you come here? This is very dangerous honey! What if Salim sees us later? It's over for me if he sees us! Never mind! You go home now! Come on, hurry home! Salim will wake up in a moment! Please don't make me panic!" Sabrina said with a very scared face.

"No! I don't want to go home before you give me the money! I need the money now! Come on, give me the money! I promise I'll come back when I get the money!" said the man.

"All right! Okay! How much do you need? Tell me! I'll give it now!" Sabrina asked the boy.

"Not much! Only 300 million. If you have 500 million that's fine too!" Answer the man with an annoying face.

"What? That's a lot of money! Please don't make me dizzy and stressed. I only have 50 million. I don't have the rest!" Sabrina said.

"Fine! I'll be back next Sunday to pick up the rest!" said the man.