" I still remember how the Salim family treated my father and me! They chased us away like animals! He threw my and my father's things. I am so sick and hurt when I think back on that! They have no heart. I have to take over the assets of the Alfatih family company. I will keep my promise to my father. My main goal is revenge against them. They have taken away my father's rights and ruined my family's happiness. I can not stay silent. I really love my father. Sabrina misses daddy so much! Sabrina promised to make them all suffer. We have to sleep on the street, in storefronts, we have to move places. When it rained I saw my father sleeping barefoot cold. They don't know what I've been feeling all this time!" Sabrina grumbled.


Beautiful morning. Arini was seen cooking in the kitchen. That day she wanted to give a surprise party on Salim's birthday. Arini deliberately did not make a large-scale party because of her husband's memory loss.

"Rini... please don't tell my husband that there will be a party today!" Arini said to one of the household assistants at her house.

"Okay madam! I didn't tell anyone. At that time Salim was not at home. This morning Mr. Salim went for a walk to the park with Miss Sabrina. They left very early earlier!" Answer the household assistant.

"Yes...! Later when My husband comes home the surprise will be. I have prepared a present for him!" Arini said to her household assistant with a happy face and beaming full of enthusiasm.

The clock shows 9 pm. Finally Salim returns home. Salim did not go home alone. Beside him were Sabrina, Mrs. Serra and Merve. Gokan also followed behind Salim.

Seeing that Salim had come home, Arini immediately gave a surprise to her husband who had lost his memory. A birthday cake complete with candles is ready to be displayed at the door to welcome the arrival of her idol.

"Happy birthday my husband! Wish you a long and healthy life. I love you so much!" Arini said while kissing Salim's cheek.

Without preamble and saying anything, Salim immediately took the birthday cake from Arini's hand. He threw the cake in front of his wife on the floor.

"What is this? I told you not to come near me. I don't love you. What kind of birthday celebration is this anyway? So tacky and not classy at all. Do you know? Sabrina has already make a birthday surprise at a fancy hotel. We just got back from my birthday party. You are a country woman who doesn't know how to make a memorable surprise. That's enough! Don't force yourself to be like Sabrina. I'm tired, I want to rest first. Clean the floor now! You've made the floor dirty!" Salim said to his wife.

"But! I've been working hard all day preparing this surprise! Come on honey, let's eat first! I've cooked your favorite dishes. Come on, Mom, Sist Merve and Gokan, let's eat together!" Arini said.

"I'm full Arini, I want to go to my room to rest first, my head is suddenly dizzy!" Mrs. Serra replied to Arini.

"I'm not hungry after seeing your face, Arini!" Merve said insulting Arini.

"Gokan is also full Aunt Arini!" Gocan said.

They all enter the middle room. Arini was silent and sat on the sofa in the living room. Arini felt unappreciated. Arini was very sad and cried.

Sabrina, who at that time wanted to get out of the house, approached Arini.

Arini... Arini... You are a stubborn and tough woman! You already know Salim doesn't want to be with you, but you're still trying to get close to Salim. What if Salim can't recover from amnesia? He will hate you all his life! He prefers me! that's a sign that I'm very effective in his life! The proof is that he remembers that I am his girlfriend! He doesn't remember you Arini! You are not memorable in Salim's life. You are just passing by from Salim Arini's life. I'm so sorry for you Arini dear!" Sabrina said to Arini.

"Shut up! I won't give up! I will keep trying to make my husband's memory come back! Sooner or later, he will recover soon. He will remember everything. And that's when you will be gone from my husband's life. Because then my husband will know who you are verily! You snake woman. You don't deserve to accompany my husband!" Sabrina said to Arini.

"Are you sure? Didn't he become poor at that time? All his wealth is mine. I already control all of Alfatih's company assets. You think I'm stupid? I've thought of everything, Arini! Salim will marry me in a month! So you won't be able to do anything Arini!" Sabrina said.

After talking with Arini, the woman finally left. He returns to the apartment.

Since then, Arini has been restless and unable to sleep. Arini can't imagine if Sabrina succeeding in taking possession of Salim's property. She feels has a responsibility to save her family from Sabrina's crime.

"I have to do something! I can't just sit idly by! I have to thwart Sabrina's plan to take over my husband's family property! But how? I'm so confused! Everyone in this house has been tricked into trusting that cunning woman! I have to talk to Mother! Maybe mom will believe me and prevent the wedding! Yes, it's true I have to talk about this matter to mother!" Arini said.

Meanwhile Merve talks to Gokan. Merve is planning something with her son.

"We must take action immediately! Before Sabrina drains all of the company's assets and assets, we must get ahead of her. This woman is very dangerous and cunning. She can convince Salim and Mom!" Merve said.

"Isn't mom also supporting Sabrina?" Reply Gokan.

"What? Mom supported that woman? Mom was only pretending to love her! Mom had to pretend to support her. Because that woman already knew all our plans! She also already knew that we were the ones who planned to kill Salim in the hospital that time. Therefore, we must be alert and careful now!" Merve replied warning Gokan.