"I won't let that woman live! I'll finish her off! This is just the beginning. If only the shot hadn't missed the woman might have vanished from the face of this earth!" Said a middle-aged woman to Sabrina.

"Who are you? Why do you hate the Salim family so much? What is your relationship with the shooting incident? Were you involved in the shooting incident? Who are you really?" Sabrina said to the woman.

"I am Simsex. Mr. Burak Yilmaz Alfatih's second ex-wife, as well as your father's ex-wife. Mr. Ibrahim. Isn't your father's name Ibrahim? Yes, I am your ex-stepmother!" Mrs. Simsex said to Sabrina.

"Wait a minute! I don't understand what you're saying! Yes, it's true that I know that name. Simsex is my father's ex-wife. But, that's not you. Her face doesn't look like yours. I'm so confused by what you just said! " Sabrina said feeling confused.

"You were only 4 years old at that time. You didn't understand adult matters. I was divorced from your father. Because your father lost a gamble with Burak. He had nothing left. I decided to remarry Mr. Burak at that time. Because my life is more secure and I am pampered with luxury by Burak Yilmaz Alfatih. I became his second wife. Until one day the doctor said I was infertile or could not get pregnant. His first wife ordered Burak to divorce me. At first Burak refused his first wife's request. However, with Serra's persuasion and cunning, Burak finally decided to divorce me. Serra pretends to be pregnant. She adopted a baby boy. Serra admits that she gave birth to a baby boy who is actually not hers. The baby boy is someone else's baby!" Said Mrs. Simsex to Sabrina.

"I still can't believe you are Mrs. Simsex. Even though I was very small then, I still remember Mrs. Simsex's face clearly. Don't lie to me about you!" Sabrina said in disbelief to the woman.

"Long story! I haven't finished Sabrina! Serra is indeed very cunning and evil! She made my face disfigured. Serra has splashed my face with hard water. My face is disfigured, everyone looked at me in the eye that time. I was ostracized from my environment. I was called an ugly woman . Until one day I was able to raise money for treatment for plastic surgery. My face turned like this because of Serra. I will repay all that she did to me!" said Mrs. Simsex with anger on her face.

"Are you inviting me to work together to destroy the Alfatih family? If so, what are the benefits for me working with you? I could have done that myself, but because you are my father's ex-husband or rather my stepmother's. I want work together with you. As long as you can help me to reclaim my father's property that was stolen by his father Salim by cheating. I will not be willing if all the company's assets belong to be Salim and his family. I have the right to the treasure!" Sabrina said to Mrs. Simsex with a look of anger on her face.

"I will help you Sabrina. Calm down! I know all about Serra's rottenness. I also have the CCTV footage of her ordering someone to take a baby boy in the hospital at that time. That baby is your husband now, Salim Fernandez Alfatih. You have to help me find Salim's biological parents. Last I got information that they live in a remote village. However, when I traced their whereabouts, they suddenly moved from that place. I'm sure they have something to hide!" Mrs. Simsex said to Sabrina.

"Is that true? I didn't expect that Mrs. Serra turned out to be very evil and cunning. Her face looked deceptive. She looked wise. It turned out that behind her policy there was reproach!" Sabrina said feeling shocked and did not expect.

"She's good at pretending. I came to Salim's wedding reception. I talked to her. She was just as arrogant and cunning as before. She didn't recognize my face now. At that moment I wanted to strangle her. Been wanting to do that for decades!" Mrs Simsex told Sabrina.

"Your goal is to kill her or make her suffer? I want them all to suffer and die slowly. I want them to feel the suffering that I felt before. I will not let them live as happily as they are now!" Sabrina grumbled.


In a different place, Arini entered the room where Mrs. Serra was being treated. Arini saw Salim sitting next to her mother. Salim looks tired. Arini approached Salim and said, "Eat! I brought food from home. I cooked this for you! Don't be afraid! I didn't mix poison in this food! Let's eat! If not for me, Eat this food for your mother! She must be sad if she saw you not eating.

Salim just silent and look at the food. Meanwhile, Arini seemed to leave the room.

"Actually she looks a good and sincere woman. But, why am I being indifferent to her? No...No...! Why do I think of Arini? But it's true, Arini is kind and considerate of me and everyone in my house. She too good in cooking. Unlike Sabrina, who always buys fast food. Arini is very different from Sabrina. If it's true what Arini said that she is my wife, how lucky am I to have a wife like Arini? Why am I so sympathetic to Arini? No...! Should not...! Should I eat or not this food? My stomach feels hungry. But, what if Arini finds out that I eat the food she made?" Said Salim.

Because he was hungry and couldn't hold it, finally Salim ate the food that Arini brought him.

A few minutes later a woman appeared to enter the room where Mrs. Serra was being treated.

Suddenly Merve's voice calls Salim. Merve just came from home. He brought food.

"Salim...! I brought food! Eat first Salim! Let me take care of Mother!" Merve said.

"I already ate! Arini brought food here. She brought food for me!" Salim says to Merve.

"Did I hear you right, Salim? You ate food from Arini? Don't you hate her so much? I think you are so hate Arini! I remember when she gave you a surprise! You threw the birthday cake on the floor!" Merve says to Salim.