What a beautiful girl she is!

Have you find the successor of Mathew. His secretary says No mr president we doesn't find him. Plasma sanctuary is totally upgraded and we are not able to survive against top class creatures.We want their Hyper Geno art "Diameter-Flex" to survive against top class creatures. His age is nearly Twenty years as my assumption. That's why he will enter plasma sanctuary as soon as possible. So keep your eyes on every new guy who is entering plasma sanctuary and Mathew's faithful dog Robinson that what is he doing and to whom he is meeting. David Augustine secretary Oscar agrees and leaves the president cabin to know about Hanson's successor. On the other side Mark call Mr Robinson and ask him to meet. Mr Robinson cuts the phone and sent a message to Mark. Mark was confused about this action then he receive a message from a unknown private number. Actually Mark is a hacker and he can always track anyone who call him or message him but this time his software doesn't work. That's why he is shocked. Mark open that message that contains a link. After thinking some time Mark decided to open this. After tapping on that link Mark is transferred to a dark web site where he is on video call with someone. Mark says that what is this Mr Robinson, why you cut phone and sent me this untraceable link. Mr Robinson says that I am sorry little Master but David Augustine and his team is tracking me that's why to talk on phone is not safe. So I have sent you that link. By the way you have read that book. Mark says yes and ask him about David Augustine. Mr Robinson says that David Augustine is present president of Alliance and he is the most powerful person in the alliance. But ten years ago, Your father and your family are most powerful in alliance due to "Diamond-flex". This lead to the enemity between Hanson's and others. Your family have to go in Geno universe but during an attack they are not able to take you in Geno universe that's why he gave me your responsibility. But I knew that David Augustine can kill you that's why I kept you near your present parents. David Augustine is looking for you right now and he kept his eyes on every new humans who enters in plasma sanctuary. Mark says that need not to worry Uncle David Augustine can't even his father catch me. Mr Robinson ask that how can you so sure. Mark says that according to Alliance my present parents are my father and mother and I have no any relationship with Hanson family. That's why they cannot catch me even I will go in front of them. So you need not to worry about that. First of all you tell me about plasma sanctuary.

Mr Robinson says that two years ago all peoples from every sanctuaries are teleported outside and after three days when elites again enters in the sanctuary they are told by a fairy that this is plasma sanctuary and they are first who visited there. Mark agrees and ask about the levels of creatures and methods to absorb Geno points. Mr Robinson says that the most weak is called common and some more powerful to that is basic and the most powerful known is distorted and creatures upper to this level cannot killed yet by anyone. The concept of Geno points is finished and is replaced by core points which can be taken by eating the meat of creatures and devil souls is also replaced by plasma souls. Mark says that anyone can eat any creatures' meat. What happens if this is poisonous? A announcement will come on your power screen that this meat cannot be eaten. After that Mr Robinson sent him a I'd and password to login to this dark web anytime and anything to me. Mark says that I have to go into plasma sanctuary as soon as possible. Mr Robinson says that you have to join a organisation and after a week training. Mark asks that how I can join any organisation. Mr Robinson says that I will send you a card in your house that you have to go on the printed organisation to enter into plasma sanctuary. The main things that I have not tell you that we have only two shelters there One is FAMAS shelter and other is JADE shelter. Other shelters are in the control of spirits those are the species of plasma sanctuary as we are if Alliance. You can be assigned in any of them. Mark says ok and cuts the phone. After half an hour a delivery boy comes in Mark's house and deliver a envelope. Mark receive that envelope and open it. There is a card inside it and a note is also there. Mark open the note and start reading it. This is the card of my organisation and you will have to come right now because I am in office and this card allow you to move anywhere in "Robinson Galaxy". Mark tear the paper into many pieces put it into dustbin. Mark reaches Robinson Galaxy named scientific laboratory and enters in it by using that card. Mark reaches in Mr Robinson cabin where some more peoples are standing there. Mark give him the card and sat there. Mr Robinson tells Mark that why do you want to go into plasma sanctuary and from where you got the knowledge about this. Marc smiling in his mind and thinking that what the acting is performing here by Mr Robinson. Mark says that I have an issue with money and I cannot like to read. That's why I want to join plasma sanctuary and I got this information from my classmate Brian Turner. Mr Robinson says a lady to check that is there any Brian Turner who is in plasma sanctuary. After searching some time that lady says that yes boss, he joins plasma sanctuary six months ago. Mr Robinson says ok and give another card to him and says to join the special weekly training tomorrow before entering into plasma sanctuary. Mark says ok and leaves from there. On next day he reaches into Robinson Galaxy and join that special training class. In this class he learns about creatures and their levels, plasma souls, how to obtain core points, what is hyper Geno art and how to learn it and some common skills such as Palm strike and bullet punch. After a week Mark and others enters in a room where many teleporter are kept. Everyone enters in teleporters and disappears. After some time It's Mark's time to enter in it. Marc enters in teleporter and he found himself at a field where nothing as far he sees. Suddenly a beautiful fairy appears and tell Mark that welcome to plasma sanctuary and a white light enters in his mind and after a while a announcement occurs that the plasma sea of souls have created in your mind. That fairy asks Mark that what is your name. Mark says that my name is Mark. Ok now you are very lucky because you are assigning to that last room of FAMAS shelter. After that Marc is teleported to a white marbled room. Mark finally checked his status

Mark: Not evolved

Age: 250 years

Plasma souls: Not found yet

In this room there is a crystal bed , chair and a table. Mark observe some time and leave from his room and after coming outside he sees that his room number is 0000001. Mark turn around and go into a hall for a hunting but when he reaches the hall he sees someone and freeze there and says in mind "what a beautiful girl she is! She is looking like fairy comes from heaven.