WebNovelMega gene25.00%

Huge loot

David Augustine asks that what is your plan boy. Mark says that sir you all distract the mind of that monkey I and Brian will take care of that snake. David Augustine has no other option except this. David Augustine order all to distract that distorted monkey's mind. Brian tell Mark that what is your plan. Mark says Brian to bow down. Brian want to say something but Mark stops him and tell him to bow down there. After that Brian bows there and Mark take a runup from a far and jump on Brian's back and penetrate his sword into that snake neck's wound. After some time that snake dies in agony and a notification come on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature blue tailed Snake is hunted. You got its plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 distorted core points."

Many again starts killing low class monkeys and snakes and check his new plasma soul type.

"Distorted blue tailed snake plasma soul type: spear

After some time Mark reached near David Augustine and asks him that how can they finish that battle. David Augustine says that we have to kill that spirit, after that every creatures lost his command and ran away from there. Mark then sees that many arrows goes towards that spirit but that spirit doesn't even move. His ride elephant raised his trunk and stop all the arrows. Some arrows that was not stopped go towards that spirit but the stick of that spirit change into umbrella and all arrows stops there. Mark sees that those arrow doesn't leave a single scratch on that umbrella. Mark sees around and conclude that more than 80 creatures are killed. After that some rabbits jumps behind those monkeys and bite some elites and inject poison on their body. David Augustine ordered to careful about that rabbits and a squad takes infected and injured peoples into shelters back. David Augustine ordered a guy to take back Drake Johnson, Evelyn, Jack and others quickly. Before Mark can say anything to David Augustine, suddenly a tetra-eyed dog comes in front of them and jump on another elite and cut his head from it's torso. David Augustine and others starts avoiding the attacks of that dog. Suddenly that dog ran towards Mark and jump on it. Then Mark withdraw his sword and call his spear and penetrate it into that dog's

head and after some time that dog dies and a notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature tetra-eyed dog is hunted. You got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 distorted core points."

Mark then check it's plasma soul type.

"Distorted creature Tetra-eyed plasma soul type: Pet

This dog is a special creature that drop a different plasma soul to different peoples. This creature is common in the areas near FAMAS shelter. Mark says that sir I have a plan to kill that spirit. David Augustine asks in shock that what is your plan. Mark says that sir I need a titanium shield you all have to distract other aliens so that they can't protect that spirit. A guy give him titanium shield and Mark again tell Brian to bow down. Brian again bow down and Mark take a long runup this time and jump on the back of Brian towards that spirit. That elephant raises his trunk and try to stop the Mark but Mark throw that shield towards that elephant and land on that elephant's trunk and again jump towards that spirit. That spirit open his umbrella and try to stop Mark but Mark again jump on his umbrella and land on the back side of the spirit. Before that spirit can do anything, Mark penetrate his spear into that spirit's chest and huge amount of blood starts coming from his mouth. That spirit turns back and tell Mark that I will kill you soon. Mark says in spirit's ear that I will make you my slave. After that, that spirit disappears from there and back to his spirit stone. David Augustine declared a victory and all other creatures except that elephant ran from there. After some time that falls on the ground and died in agony after some time. This is because Mark penetrated his spear on his neck and that sword into that elephant's head. A notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature White Jade elephant is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 distorted core points."

This battle is finished in half an hour and the here there is Mark, Max and David Augustine. Mark goes towards David Augustine and back him his sword and go back into shelter. David Augustine stops him and asks that how many distorted plasma soul you got. Mark says that I have got a single distorted spear from that snake. Mark doesn't tell anything about that pet because if he told him about that pet then he will be doubted by David Augustine. Mark got a heavy loot there. He has got 3 basic plasma soul and 8 common plasma soul and 2 distorted plasma soul. After some time he received 15 different common creature's dead body, 8 different basic creature's dead body and a whole elephant's body. Mark take all that body into his room in FAMAS shelter and he teleported back into alliance. Mark decided to go for another hunt after finishing all the body. Mark thinks that these bodies will be destroyed after some days. That's why he kept all that bodies into his bag. Mark meet Brian Turner in Robinson Galaxy and he tell Mark that you are now famous in FAMAS shelter. Mark says oh! I don't know this. Brian says that by the way you are participating in Divinity bout. Mark says that no I am not participating in it because I cannot survive against those elders. Brian says that by the way you know Trade. Mark remembered that he has leave a name Trade. Mark says that no I don't know any trade but what happens. Brian says that his fitness level is more than our most powerful elder Drake Johnson. If he will take part in Divinity bout then then there will be more excitement there. Mark says ok and back to his house in alliance. After 20 days after eating all the bodies. He got a bunch of core points. That's why Mark decided to learn another hyper Geno art because he is more powerful and his fitness level is more than 15 now. He open that book and choose a art to learn.