WebNovelMega gene43.75%

Holy spike Armor

"Berserk holy creature golden- shell bug was hunted. You have got berserk holy plasma soul of this berserk holy creature. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 holy core points".

Mark could not believe that he had hunted an upper class creature called Holy Creature. Mark is still feeling happy that suddenly he hears the roar of that phoenix. Mark remembers that he had forgotten that Phoenix in his happiness. Mark sees the phoenix come towards Mark holding two pieces of the bug in both its claws. Seeing that phoenix coming towards him, Mark's condition worsened because he felt that now his death has come. Quickly Mark calls for his black armor and gets up from it and starts trying to run away. Mark was unable to get up because he was too injured and was in no condition to fight the phoenix. Mark thinks I helped this phoenix kill that bug, but why does it still want to kill me? Before Mark can do anything, the phoenix lands in front of him and extends the claw, which had a small piece of the bug, towards Mark. That phoenix places that small piece in front of Mark and from there flies towards the top of Butterfly Mountain. Mark was shocked because the phoenix did not kill Mark but gave him a piece. Mark shuts down his Geno Art and quickly summons his ride Hyena and heads for the mountain the bug came from. This is because living near Butterfly Mountain meant inviting death. Mark had suffered a lot of injuries but due to his hyper geno art, there was not much bleeding. Mark takes out some medicines from his bag and starts applying them on his wound. After a few hours, Mark finally comes down the mountain and lights the fire. Mark starts roasting the holy bug and the rest of the basic bugs. Mark sits by the fire and begins to think that he is the first man to have hunted an upper class creature. That too he has killed a berserk holy creature, where it will take many years for humanity to reach. Mark thinks how lucky he is to have found the plasma soul of the berserk holy creature. Mark remembers that he has not even checked what kind of plasma soul he has got. Mark examines the plasma soul of the berserk holy bug.

" Berserk holy creature golden-shell bug plasma soul type: Armor"

Mark looks around and after confirming that it is no one, he summons his new armor. After calling that armor, Mark gets covered with a deep gold colored armor and his entire armour was covered with spikes everywhere. One of the spikes near Mark's fist was bigger than the others and was actually a weapon. To test it, Mark fires a light punch at a nearby tree, which makes a hole of same the size of that spike in the tree. Mark was overjoyed because that armor was not only an armor but also a weapon along with the armor. Mark can use our armor in the global Divinity bout and no one can trade on us because Brian's armor was very different from Mark's armor. Then Mark remembers that the Global Divinity Bout is going to start very soon and he has to reach the FAMAS Shelter as soon as possible. Mark thinks that tomorrow morning he will leave for the FAMAS shelter. Mark pulls out the Evolution gem and wonders which Plasma Soul he should level up. Mark first thought that he would level up his Black Armor but he has already acquired an Upper Class Armor so it is useless. Upgrading a weapon is also pointless because its Holy Armor is also a weapon. After much thought, Mark decides to level up his Three-Horned Lava Bull. Mark sends that Evolution gem to his Plasma Sea of Soul and combines that Distorted Shapeshifter Plasma Soul Three-Horned Lava Bull with that gem. After some time, a cocoon covers the three-horned lava bull and a notification popup on his powerscreen.

"You have mixed the Evolution gem with the Three-Horned Lava Bull, in a few days it will turn into the Berserk Distorted class."

The fuse in Mark's mind blew as soon as he read this notification. Mark shouted that what the fuck this is. It was written in the description of that Evolution game that it will make any soul reach one class higher, but here it was just making Berserk. This is just a cheap cheating. Mark knew that there was nothing he could do about it. After thinking for a while, Mark realizes that his leveling up a class meant evolving into Berserk. Mark then wonders what would happen if he used it on a berserk plasma soul. Mark couldn't do this at the moment because he didn't have any other Evolution gem. Eventually after some time all the bugs get roasted and ready to eat. Mark starts eating the flesh of that holy bug and gets only two holy core points when it is finished.

"You have consumed the flesh of holy bug. You got 1 holy core points."

"You have consumed the flesh of holy bug. You got 1 holy core points."

Mark was satisfied because that piece was very small and people say that it is better to get something than nothing. After that Mark starts eating the flesh of those basic bugs and many notifications starts popuping on Mark's power screen.

"You have consumed the flesh of basic bug. You got 1 basic core points."

"You have consumed the flesh of basic bug. You got 1 basic core points."

Mark got a total of 11 basic core points, which was only received from one and a half, the remaining one bug was fed by Mark to his pet tetra-eyed dog. Mark wanted to evolve his pet as soon as possible because with a companion he could easily kill a distorted creature. Mark knew he needed a lot of distorted flesh to feed his pet because he'd only fed it to a distorted elephant once. In the morning, Mark was feeling very happy because his wounds were almost healed. Mark call his ride and heads to the FAMAS shelter. In the afternoon, Mark reaches the FAMAS Shelter and starts walking towards the teleporter. Mark wanted to reach the alliance as soon as possible because he wanted to learn "Healing and Healer" hyper geno art as soon as possible so that at the time of the fight he would always be benefited and he also wanted to buy himself a crossbow and some bolts. Before Mark can get to the teleporter, suddenly someone stops him.