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The story of failure attempt.

Brian says that my boss Evelyn has got a berserk distorted plasma soul. Right now she is the subject of discussion in the alliance. Mark curiously asks where she obtained a Berserk Distorted Plasma Soul. Brian says to be patient, I will tell you from the beginning. Mark says hurry up. Brian says that as soon as I returned to the FAMAS Shelter after escaping from that bug, I saw that almost people were preparing to leave. When I asked Samuel where they were going, he told that they were about to attack the UMBRELLA Shelter. He also said that very soon we will have a new shelter. Samuel said that the President is looking for me, so I went to meet him.He explained that both the Famous Shelter and the Jade Shelter are now full, so to bring more people from the Alliance to the Plasma Sanctuary, we need another shelter. The umbrella shelter is the only one worth it where we can probably win and take over that shelter. That's why he plans to attack the Umbrella Shelter along with Evelyn's, Max's, Jack's, Archet's gang and the rest of the Elders. They were looking for you because the way you saved the famous shelter, your image has become amazing in the eyes of the Mr President. Mark says what did you tell. Brian says that I have told all the truth that an upper class bug is after you and your chances of survival are very less. Mark shouts that what was the need to tell him all this. Brian says calm down, I told because it was a matter of upper class creature, if it was not so, I would not have told. Mark calms down and says okay tell further. Brian says that we had started going towards the UMBRELLA Shelter with about two hundred thousand people. We had reached the forest near UMBRELLA Shelter in three days and only basic and common creatures were found on the way which we easily kill them and give the fleshes to low class elites. We had made a plan in the jungle that our group of one shot would take some creatures away from the shelter and the rest of the people would easily take over the shelter by killing the creatures left in the shelter. Brian says that it happened in the same way ten thousand people took several hundred creatures to the other side of the shelter and the other ten thousand people took some hundred more creatures in which some distorted creatures were also in some other direction. After that we attacked the shelter and killed many creatures. Meanwhile, Evelyn kills a Berserk Tetra-Eyed Dog, gaining a Berserk Armor Plasma Soul. Brian says that you already know that tetra-eyed dogs drop different plasma souls. Mark says yes. Brian says that this gave us an advantage because a berserk creature could not do much damage to her new armor. The battle went on continuously for two days and it seemed to us that we were about to win. Just then an umbrella comes from inside the shelter and one of Evelyn's best friend Rudy goes through the body from the heart and she dies. After her death, our attention goes towards the spirit which had just come out of the shelter. That spirit was sitting on a strange little elephant. The elephant was just looking like a child and strange patterns were made all over its body. That spirit comes to the middle ground and says that no matter how hard you guys try, you will not be able to capture my shelter. That spirit says that the time has come for all of you to die and no one can save you now. Only then Mr President says that you will not survive because now you have only 4-5 distorted creatures left and basic and common creatures

nothing much can harm us. That spirit says that you can only save yourself if you hand over to me the boy who killed my favorite ride white jade elephant. Then Mr President remembers you because you killed that white jade elephant when the shelter was attacked. Mark asks in shock that what did the President say to that Spirit about me. Brian says that the President said that you have been killed. Mark angrily says that if I am dead then is my ghost in front of you. Brian says calm down my friend because you were not with us that's why the President had said this. Anyway, we were confident that we would win that shelter. But that spirit says that if he is dead then show his dead body or else get ready to die. The President says that we could not find his body because it was already eaten by some creatures. That spirit just says that get ready to die and he gets down from that baby elephant and goes back to the shelter. We were in shock as to what harm this baby elephant would do to us. All the other creatures that were around either went outside or ran under the shelter. Before we could do anything, that baby elephant chirps and lifts both its front legs and throws them on the ground. After that suddenly sharp pieces of stones start coming out from the ground and many of our people start getting ripped apart by those stones and start dying by being crushed. We understood that this baby elephant is an upper class creature that we cannot even scratch. That's why all of us start running away from there using our Shapeshifter Plasma Soul but those people who did not have Shapeshifter Plasma Soul is attacked by those sharp stones. That elephant now started running to target the people and first of all he hits Max Johnson with a strong strike from behind. Because of which Max collides with a tree in the forest while breaking a wall of the shelter, due to which many bones of his ribcage are broken. The doctors were able to save him with great difficulty because a broken bone was found near his heart. All of us run away in that forest in different directions. That baby elephant had followed us for some time and after that he might have returned to his shelter. The rest of us returned to the FAMAS shelter within a week. Mark says that you are telling me just the story of failure attempt to claim a shelter. Brian says that yes. Mark then asks what happened to the people who took some of the creatures away from the shelter.