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World of spirits

The machine says that the username is already available, please enter another username. Mark was shocked that who is using his name. Mark thinks for a while and type username #Trade and the machine accepts this time. A screen opens in front of Mark on which a lot was written. Mark turns on the face-blur option after watching everything and clicks on the quick match. After some time, a man named "Lord of Lords" is matched for fight with Mark and Mark enters the Virtual Ground. Mark chooses cards as weapons and the opponent in front chooses a sword. The "Lord of Lords" actually belonged to Benjamin Augustine who was the son of David Augustine. He was not as powerful and talented as his sister Evelyn, that is why he was not very famous. Mark hadn't heard of him because he was at the JADE Shelter, where he was undergoing intense training from Jonathan Straut. Today after a long time he came to the virtual training ground. Benjamin tells Mark that you have also named yourself Trade, so far I have fought with so many Trade and have defeat them. Mark says let's see. As soon as he says this, Mark runs towards him.

Benjamin also starts running and swings his sword towards Mark. Benjamin felt that the opponent in front of him had made the biggest mistake by not choosing any weapon. Benjamin is surprised when Mark dodges his attack from close range. He is even more shocked when a punch lands directly on his face, due to which he goes back several steps. Benjamin's health was reduced by 10%. Benjamin again swings his sword towards Mark, but before the sword touches Mark, a kick hits Benjamin's hand. Because of this, Benjamin's sword leaves his hand and goes away. Before Benjamin understands anything, it starts raining punches towards him. That's why only 5% of his health was left. Mark used bullet punching skill which had a very dangerous effect on Benjamin. Due to its effect, Benjamin had fallen far away. Mark knew that there was hardly any punching skill better than bullet punching when combined with blood power. Benjamin was in shock as to how this could happen. Benjamin knew that he would be defeated in one more shot, so he raised his sword and used the most dangerous sword skill "Sacrifice". Very quickly he swings his sword towards Mark and it seemed that Mark could be defeated by his single attack. Before Benjamin lands on the strike mark, suddenly Benjamin is out of the virtual ground and Defeated is written on his screen. Benjamin was shocked that without doing anything to his opponent, how could he get out after losing. After some time, after putting emphasis on the mind, he remembers that his opponent had only moved his hand forward. Benjamin wanted to challenge that ID again but that ID had already gone offline. That's why he sent friend request to that ID and comes out from Virtual training machine. Actually Mark had thrown a card towards that opponent which penetrated his neck and that opponent lost match. Mark comes out and sees that the Global Divinity Bout is about to start in a few hours. That's why Mark enters into plasma sanctuary by teleporter. After that Mark sees his status

Mark: Not evolved

Age: 250 years

Core points required to evolve: 100

Obtained core points: Common core points-100, basic core points-81, Distorted core points-18, Holy core points-02

Mark summons his invisible soul and teleports through the stage to the Global Arena. Mark was shocked when he reached that there are thousands of shelters in the First Plasma Sanctuary as about thousand spirits were taking part in it. Mark had also seen the Umbrella Prince, the Shadow Queen and a number of strange spirits. A spirit was probably made of stone and held a stone hammer in its hand. One spirit did not even have a body because it was just a skeleton and was holding a bone in its hand. One of the spirit is just like plants. After seeing everywhere, Mark realised that this is the very mysterious and beautiful world of spirits. Mark's eyes suddenly stops at a beautiful spirit. That beautiful spirit looks like charming human lady attracts the attention of Mark. That spirit was very calm and was also alone and no one had the courage to go near her. The appearance of that spirit is of ordinary class spirit but her presence is so powerful and dangerous. Mark knew that those people who are calm are more dangerous than anyone. What is the power of this beautiful spirit, it will be known only at the time of fight. Mark sees that not only spirits but some highly upper class creatures were also participating in this fight. Mark's eye stops on a creature and he thinks that it is also here. That creature was that purple-flame phoenix which was helped by Mark near Butterfly mountain. Before Mark could do anything, the battle started. The first battle is between Charmcaster and Steel knight. Mark starts thinking about the Spirit named Charmcaster. After some time, on the stage a armoured man with a thin sword appears. This was steel knight and his power is too much high. Mark's eyes are wandering to see Charmcaster because all the other spirits are chearing for her. After some time a spirit suddenly appears on the stage. This was that mysterious lady spirit which Mark was thinking. Noone there is able to see Trade because he is invisible there. Mark wants to see the power of Charmcaster and Steel knight. Steel knight calls a big shield and ran towards Charmcaster and attacks on her. Charmcaster does not even move from its place and points its hand towards the Steel Knight. Energy starts gathering near the hands of Charmcaster and she fires a mysterious energy ball towards the steel knight. To stop that attack, the Steel Knight brings forward his shield, after which Mark's condition worsens after seeing what happens.