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Giant Whale

Mark sees that the Tsunami coming is very huge. Mark calculated that it will destroy more than ten miles forest from the bank of Sea. Mark quickly starts climbing the hill to dodge that Tsunami. But before Mark can reach half of the hill, tsunami strikes the hill and Mark penetrated into surface of hill. Blood starts coming out from Mark's mouth due to high pressure of Water. The damage was not too much because Mark had already brought out his holy armor. Due to the impact of that, the three guys who is climbing on hill flew and falls near Young twins and Evelyn. Mark comes out from the surface of hill and sees that the other side of hill is almost destroyed. Mark sees towards sea to examine the cause of Tsunami but he sees nothing there. Mark decided to go from here as soon as possible because he is feeling something danger here.

On the other hand, Evelyn, Chloe, Young twins and others are shocked and they decided to cross the small hill to know about what is happening there. Young twins send some people's again to climb that hill. On the other side, Mark observed after some time that something is moving inside water. Mark has already killed two distorted creatures but he has not got any distorted class plasma soul yet. But this time his energy is already almost drained. Mark starts running on the hill but before he could reach midway again a Tsunami again strikes and penetrate him into the hill and again Mark's shape made on the slope of hill. Mark starts coughing and blood starts coming out from his mouth with coughs. This is due to huge pressure of water on his body. Mark is in his holy spike armor, that's why he is still resisting again this huge pressure.

Mark again sees that something is moving inside the water hundred metre from the bank of Sea. Mark quickly bring out his crossbow and fires all the ten bolts at that place where a creature is moving. After some time, Mark sees that the part of that water is now changing its colour. It becomes dark red in colour. This means that the creature is hurts by the Mark's bolts. Mark is now worried about those bolts which is made up of titanium is fully lost. But before Mark can predict anything, suddenly a huge part of sea starts disappearing and is converted into black rock type bridge of about half kilometre in length and breadth. Mark's heart starts beating faster and he quickly starts climbing on hill and suddenly he sees that the rock type bridge starts increasing its size and Mark is in shock because he had not seen that a mountain is coming out from sea. Mark stills on midway of the small hill to see what is happening there.

Suddenly after some time Mark sees that the mountain he is assuming is not mountain, it is a very giant Whale which is almost half kilometres long. Mark is confirmed that he will definitely be killed by this whale because if this Whale is either of basic class or distorted class. This is because this whale is very huge and Mark cannot kill him because he can hurt only a very small area which is just a mosquito action for that whale. Mark starts climbing and decided to go from here otherwise he will be brutally crushed by the weight of that whale. As Mark goes some steps up, suddenly that whale raises one of his fin and attacks on hill. Mark sees that it's fin is able to destroy the hill because he has cut the hill in two pieces and upper part of hill is detached from it is thrown away into sea.

Four guys of Young twins who are climbing on hill to see what is happening on other side suddenly cut down into two pieces and falls on ground and died after some time. Suddenly Young twins, Evelyn, Chloe, Max, Jack and others sees that a golden human is running on the upper part of slope and jumps on their side. They all are in shocked after seeing that man and Jack says to Thomas and Philips Young that this guy name is Trade. Young twins starts walking towards Trade but they sees that something capture the remaining part of hill and throws it into the sea and the place is now looking likely the ground where no any hills. Mark suddenly sees that the whale is now coming towards them, that's why Mark decided to call his bloodlust hyaena ride but he has doubt that someone identify him as Mark and his life will go into danger. Before Mark can decide anything, suddenly a sound enters into Mark's ear and starts seeing towards that direction from that sound has come. That was Thomas Young. Thomas Young says that I have to talk you something about our collaboration... . Before Thomas Young can complete his sentence, Mark interrupts in it and tells him that this is not the right time to talk. If you all will want to alive then leave this beach as soon as possible and Mark pointed towards that Giant Whale. Mark starts running towards the way of FAMAS shelter and suddenly after seeing the very giant Whale, all others also starts running towards Trade's way. After some time Thomas Young says that I can give you lift on my bloodlust hyaena ride if you want after reaching near Trade. Philip Young says that we will discuss our plan on the way. Mark is still running and says that what type of plan. Before anyone can say anything suddenly big balls of stones started falling from the sky and it is now difficult to dodge for them. Mark turns back and sees that the giant Whale is throwing the stones by his find to kill those peoples. Mark shouts that he is not able to discuss any plan right now and increases the speed of running. Thomas Young asks that where we will meet you because we need your help. Trade means Mark shots that if you have to talk with me, then meet me in evening after three days in smoke valley. Mark then transforms into three-horned lava bull and runs vigorously towards FAMAS shelter and after some time Mark is now out of their eyesight.