Chapter 2: Blue Vs Red

A/N = Authors Note

Team Blue: Gekoto Fumei (Boy), Yashi Tokisa (Boy), Koda Takoto (Boy), Zakami Misasaki (Girl), Haradate Irisa (Girl) and Nozawa Doyoko (Girl)

Team Red: Tozuki Kozo (Boy), Kanjiro Samui (Boy), Izugaki Masusu (Girl), Ogama Misaki(Girl), Baki Takoto (Boy)

Baki, Izugaki and Kanjiro all quickly rushed out, as Ogama slowly headed toward team blue through alley ways. Tozuki quickly found a fake building to climb up as he got a vantage point and could see some of the members of team blue. He quickly set up his Sniper, he aimed at the head of a girl with dark green hair and deep black eyes. He shot her right in the head, as a blue maho bullet flew out of the barrel and hit her right in the head, as her head flew backward and she fell on the ground.

Tozuki: Nice! 1 Down and 5 to go.

Baki's POV: I rushed toward my brother, Koda, as I saw a girl get sniped right in the head.

I wonder where that came from.

I rushed at Koda, throwing a punch right at his face, however he narrowly dodged and countered with a gut punch. I winced in pain before quickly jumping back, I charged up all my Maho into my fists and activated Fury 8: Overflowing Fists! My fists glowed in a giant blue aura of Maho.

Koda: Ho Ho, you've gotten strong brother, however if that is all you can do you've fallen far behind! Fury 16: Extending Fracture Fists!

Koda jumped back, throwing a long ranged blue Maho fist, as I tried to block with my Fury, it burst right through, hitting me straight in the face.

Baki: Gah, how have you gotten so strong? I WON'T LOSE!

Koda: You never learn brother this is the end of this battle, Fury 13: Infinity Thrust!

Koda dashed with incredible speed, surrounded in a blinding blue Maho aura, he was right in front of me, about to finish me, when another blue Maho bullet shot Koda right in the side of the head, knocking him away from me.

Tozuki POV:

Someone with spiky blone hair and blood red eyes was about to finish off Baki, I had just finished charging, as I shot the Maho bullet, hitting him right in the head. Somehow, he was still standing, I quickly jumped off the building and dashed toward Baki.

Fury 22: God Push!

I pushed back the person fighting Baki, they flew into a wall, as I created a knife out of Maho, stabbing it into his shoulder and finishing with a point blank Maho bullet head shot, knocking him out.

Narrators POV:

Tozuki panted heavily, he looked back over to Baki, however he saw someone with dark black hair and shiny orange eyes, he was holding an unconscious Baki, with the rest of team red and blue on the floor unconscious as well.

Gekoto: Hello, I'm Gekoto Fumei, you seem very powerful however this is the end for you, I'll defeat you now.

Gekoto dropped Baki and a great fire erupted from his body.

Gekoto: Fury 1: Spirit Dash!

Gekoto appeared behind Tozuki, landing a powerful kick to his back, sending Tozuki flying into a building. Gekoto created a giant fire spear, throwing it at full power directly at Tozuki.

Tozuki: Fury 30: Spirit Phase!

Tozuki phased through the attack and ran away from Gekoto, attempting to buy time.

Gekoto chased after Tozuki, as they stood face to face in an alley way.

Gekoto: No More Running! Fury 24: Yang Axe!

Tozuki: Looks like we're stuck've fallen into my trap! Fury 12: Black Coffin!

A giant black box surrounded Gekoto, as Gekoto slashed through the box with the Yang Axe, he was instantaneously shot 9 times by Tozuki's Maho bullets, as they both fell unconscious.

Gekoto Fumei

Maho Amount: Blue

Maho Quality: Red

Forza: Royal Flames

{Description: Strong Flames That Are Hotter Than Magma}

Current SS: Party Animal

{Description: Can only use 50% of Maho on weekdays, but on the weekend his Maho amount increases exponentially (2x)}

Hope you enjoyed.
