Chapter 13: Yggdrasil

A/N = Author's Note

Tozuki sat in his cell, waiting for the conclusion of JJ and Drew's fight when something caught his eye. Across from his cell, he saw 3 little girls with pink hair that looked just like Futari walking around the prison, going through different cells.

Tozuki hid in the corner of the room behind a bed right before the pink-haired girls reached his cell.

Pink Haired Girl #1: Strange, I saw someone here earlier.

Pink Haired Girl #2: I think the 3 cell mates went to have an official duel.

Futari: Let's just go to the next cell.

The 3 little girls walked away, Tozuki waited a few seconds and then peeked over the bed to see the girls were gone. Tozuki sighed, he then remembered something about a 'guard call' button. He looked around and eventually found a big red button on the ceiling, he jumped up and hit the button and a *Beep* was played. A few minutes later a guard walked up to Tozuki's cell.

Guard: What do you need?

Tozuki: I saw a few inmates leaving there cell and going to other cells, I think I saw them go downstairs.

Guard: Oh, they asked to go to the gym, I'll check about going up to other cells though, thanks for letting me know

Tozuki: Gym? There's a gym?

Guard: Yeah, would you like to go there?

Tozuki: Yes, please.

Guard: Alright, get back in your cell by 7PM

The Guard opened the cell door and walked away, Tozuki walked down a flight of stairs and saw a sign that said *Gym*. Tozuki walked through the doorway and saw treadmills, punching bags, training dummies, wooden swords and even a boxing arena.

Tozuki noticed 20 little girls with pink hair that looks just like Futari, he put his hood up and picked up a wooden sword. He began to test the weight of the sword and once he figured a good stance he began to practice on the training dummies.

*Near The Coast Of The Maho Empire*

Fisherman: Son! Pull harder or else I'll win!

A fisherman and his son were fishing in a competition to see who could catch a bigger fish, everything was normal up until then.

Fisherman's Son: T-This is a big one!

The fisherman's son pulled with all his strength, throwing the rod behind his head a giant 12 foot long fish flew out of the water, it had carnivorous teeth and was made of bones.

Fisherman: What in great heavens...

The skeleton fish landed on the boat, the fisherman began to inspect the fish as it flopped around, as the son stared at the sky in disbelief.

Fisherman's Son: D-DAD! LOOK!

Fisherman: Now what could be so important that-

The fisherman's mouth dropped, out of the water grew a gigantic tree, the tree diverged into 2 paths and intertwined. The tree must have had thousands of branches and was at least 7 kilometers tall.

*Kaido District Prison*

Tozuki put his left foot forward and his right foot sideways, he held his shoulders as low as possible and held his sword facing forward with both hands. He dashed forward and thrust his sword right into the head of the training dummy, quickly pulling it out and kicking the dummy and pushing off it.

Tozuki sensed someone creeping up behind him, he quickly turned around and held his sword to the person's neck but nobody was there. He felt a tap on his knee and looked down to see one of the little girls with pink hair.

Futari: Hey mister! I haven't seen you since the way here

Tozuki quickly dashed backwards, he was on guard to fight in case the girl threatened him.

Tozuki: I don't know who you are but you're not a little girl, drop the act.

Futari: Oh, well then get the f#ck out of here before I beat your @ss you f#cker

Tozuki: Why don't you try and make me, 'Kid'.

Futari's face changed into that of pure anger, she began to grow until she was even taller than Tozuki but it was no longer a she. Futari had transformed into a tall bald man with a beard.

Futari: Don't f#ck with me, compared to me you're a kid, got that?

Tozuki got into his sword stance, he breathed in and out thinking of a strategy, he noticed muscle movement in Futari's left leg so he quickly sliced at his leg, Futari fell onto one knee and Tozuki slice right in the middle of his forehead sending him onto his back.

Futari: F#ck you and your family you motherf#cker I hope you f#cking die f#ck you! I'm the world renowned Tristian Fate!

Tristian stood up, he had anger in his eyes and quickly threw multiple punches at Tozuki. Tozuki blocked each one with his sword, and then chopped at Tristian's side, sending him into a punching bag. Tozuki looked down on Tristian and sliced him repeatedly and ending his combo with a slice to the head, knocking Tristian out.

All the other little girls with pink hair transformed into older men and ran away in fear, Tozuki sat down exhausted, but he knew he had got in some good training today.

*M.A.D Headquarters In The Proxy District*

Random Agent: Sir! Off the coast of the *Atlantia District* a group of fishermen has reported some kind of monsters attacking and a giant tree taller than any building!

Agent 00: Deploy the Beta Battalion and the third Ocean Platoon, if the mission is a failure I will go on my own.

The agent nodded his head and left, Agent 00 turned back around, he looked down at the bright city with a grim face.

Agent 00: If this is what I think it is, this could be an extinction level threat.

Agent 00 heard the random agent coming back, he feared for the worst and turned around quickly to see if it was what he thought it was.

Random Agent: Things have gotten much worse in a matter of minutes! The monsters have reached the shore and are entering the *Atlantia District*, if we don't handle this soon the entire world could be in danger!

Agent 00: Damnit! I wish this happened even a little bit later...dispatch all available agents in that area!

Agent 00

Maho Amount: Black

Maho Quality: Silver

Forza: Foresight

{Description: The User Can See Into The Future However The Further Into The Future The More Blurry It Is}

SS: Battle Mind

{Description: When The User Is In Battle They Can Only Use 50% Of Their Maho But They Can Think Faster Than The Speed Of Light}