Chapter 20: A Hitman?

A/N = Author's Note

Tozuki's body walked down the stairs, eventually reaching a dark room, the floor was made of a metal alloy and the walls were made of stone. Tozuki's body cut open a small hole on the tip of his thumb and let the blood fall into a small opening in the ground.

Tozuki In Head: What's happening to my body?

The room suddenly lit up with torches and 2 blue portals appeared, one said 'Sky' and the other said 'Yggdrasil' above them. His body suddenly held both hands out, pushing the portals together into a red portal.

Tozuki In Head: Why the hell can't I move?!

Tozuki's body walked into the portal, appearing in a office room, in front of him was a man sitting in a chair. He had spiky ear length black hair, a scar on his top left forehead and black eyes.

Mysterious Man: Good job, you did your part, now let him go.

Tozuki suddenly felt control over his body, he tried to run out of the door behind him but ran into a barrier.

Tozuki In Head: Sh*t, this barrier is at least diamond level, this guy must be in the Top 100 World Rankers!

Mysterious Man: There's no point in running, child. You're already under our control.

Tozuki: What do you want?

Mysterious Man: We need you to complete a mission for us, understand?

Tozuki: Why wouldn't you just control my body to do so?

Mysterious Man: That's information I cannot share with you at this point in time, oh and also if you don't complete this mission, your friend goes bye-bye.

Tozuki: Fine, what do I need to do

The Mysterious Man placed a file on the desk, Tozuki opened it up and looked through the details.

Target: Jin Gyun

Location: Dawn

Mission: On October 16th Jin Gyun Will Be A Guest On A News Station, You Must Assassinate Him On That Day.

Tozuki: I-I need to kill him? I refu-

The Mysterious Man: Are you sure you want to give up? What was his name Kanjiri or something? He'll die if you don't do it

Tozuki: Fine, I'll do it. When's the flight?

Mysterious Man: On October 13th, in 3 days. Go to the *Chyung Moi District* east airport.

Tozuki: I'll be there.

*3 Days Later At East Chyung Moi District Airport*

Tozuki wore white gloves, a beige trench coat and glasses. He walked through the airport and boarded the airplane, on the flight to Dawn. (World Map Will Be In Paragraph Comment Btw)

*In The Sky*

Tozuki looked around, he saw 9 women, 16 men and 4 children on the same flight as him. He made sure to count the amount of people every few minutes to make sure he wasn't followed.

Masked Man: NOBODY MOVE!

Tozuki looked around, the masked man was at the back of the plane, there was the same amount of passengers, except 1 child was missing.


Tozuki quickly used Fury 1: Spirit Dash and appeared in front of the man, before he could pull the trigger he was already knocked out on the floor from a single punch. All the passengers clapped for Tozuki and the child that was held hostage was returned to his parents.

*Dawn West Airport*

Tozuki In Head: This is going to be troublesome, hopefully it goes well. Let's see what are my options...Maho that would make only Rankers be suspected so I could be a suspect...maybe Sniper? No that has the same problem...ah I got it.

Tozuki checked his phone and located his hotel, he went up the elevator and began getting to work. He plugged in a laptop and looked through the security cameras of the News Station Building.

Tozuki In Head: Above the set is to risky and might get me caught easily, I guess I should act like I work there, that works out.

Tozuki summoned a pistol and put it in his pocket, before quickly teleporting to the News Station Building. He jumped through a window and disabled the security cameras, he also set traps wherever he had plans to use.

Tozuki turned a corner and ran into someone, they wore a News Station Uniform.

Tozuki In Head: Now this is what I'm talking about!

Tozuki clobbered the man and locked him in a closet in his underwear, taking the uniform with him. Tozuki appeared back in the hotel room, all preparations were complete and he could now train for the final 3 days.

*3 Days Later In News Station Building*

Tozuki was wearing the yellow News Station uniform, he walked into the building and was greeted by a lady at the front desk.

Receptionist: Hello, are you the new employee I heard about?

Tozuki In Head: Hm, I wonder if that guy was the new employee, well his name card said his name so I'll just go by that alias

Tozuki: Y-Yes, I'm Jimmy Carter, I'm going to be working on todays broadcast

Receptionist: Alright, you can head up.

Tozuki entered a glass elevator and it took him upwards.

Tozuki In Head: Wait, the cameras are back up? This could be bad but I'll just have to hope for the best.

Tozuki exited the elevator on the top floor, where the broadcast was about to start. He looked up to see everything was going well, there was a string with a shiny blue dot on the end of it, it was a Maho Bomb.

Person Behind The Camera: Aaaaaand Rolling!]

Reporter: Hello, everybody! Welcome to another broadcast of 'Who's That Ranker'. Today we're joined with #34 World Ranker, Jin Gyun!

Jin Gyun: Oh please, don't flatter me.

Reporter: We've lined up a few questions from the viewers, let's start with this one. How do you feel about the hunter division?

Jin Gyun: In my opinion, they're just low lives who want to feel fame without putting in any real effort.

Reporter: Quite the claim, how about this one. What are your thoughts on 'Ethereal' the new energy that has been discovered?

Jin Gyun: I think it could be implemented into a separate ranking system, but it won't be nearly as powerful as Maho.

Reporter: And one last questio-

Tozuki teleported away and watched from a building a few blocks away.

Tozuki: Boom

The entire News Station Building exploded along with many buildings around it. Tozuki went over to the rubble to confirm the death of Jin Gyun, however he couldn't find the body.

Tozuki In Head: That's strange, the Maho Bomb shouldn't have been strong enough to disintegrate him but should at least have killed him.

Tozuki sensed someone strong behind him and caught a punch from Jin Gyun.

Jin Gyun: I found you, terrorist!

Jin Gyun

Maho Amount: Platinum

Maho Quality: Gold

Forza: Blue Flame

{Description: User can create, control and manipulate blue flames}

SS: ???

{Description: ???}