Chapter 26: The Student

A/N = Author's Note

Tozuki: It's time for training

Lloyd: I'm already much stronger than almost anyone in the world! I'm probably stronger than my father was, I don't need training

Tozuki: Until you're stronger than me, you can never stop training

Lloyd: I bet I will be stronger than you when I'm healed

Tozuki: Oh, about that, I can heal you

Lloyd: How?!

Tozuki: Just turn around

Lloyd sighed and turned around, Tozuki placed his hand on Lloyds back and inhaled a large breath of air as a green aura emanated off his hand. Lloyds wounds began to close and his blood was refreshed and he was back to full power.

Lloyd: I-Incredible~

Tozuki: Now, let's get to a good place to train

*Kusanagi Forest 4 Minutes Later*

Tozuki: Now, come at me

Lloyd: Prepare to feel my wrath!

Lloyd shot a rocket out of his palm, which Tozuki easily destroyed with a small burst of surge. Tozuki summoned Zangetsu and he forced one of the rainbow balls out of his chest and into Zangetsu. Zangetsu slightly increased in length and became a bit brighter, Tozuki quickly noticed a grenade and sliced it before it reached him.

Lloyd: Stop using swords! You have such an unfair advantage!

Tozuki: Part of a fight is knowing how to counter anything, you must learn how to fight against sword users

Lloyd: Alright, bring it!

Tozuki In Head: He's relying to much on those rockets, time to get in close and personal

Tozuki took a single step and was in front of Lloyd, he swung his sword and it was barely caught by Lloyds hand but his hand fell off.

Lloyd: GAHHHH! W-What did you do to me?!

Tozuki: Don't worry, you'll be fine

Lloyds hand slowly regrew, from the bones to tissue to muscle fibers and then skin it fully healed. Tozuki performed an upward slash, Lloyd barely managed to jump back out of the way but nearly tripped on a twig.

Tozuki: Watch your step...

Tozuki followed up with a downward slash, which Lloyd was able to dodge by jumping to the side. Lloyd shot a rocket in the ground and shot a grenade at Tozuki, Tozuki sliced the grenade and created a Surge Barrier around the rocket, it exploded and smoke went around the entire forest.

Tozuki coughed from all the smoke entering his lungs, he quickly began to fan all the smoke away with Zangetsu to the point where he was able to see a bit. Tozuki felt an attack coming and he quickly turned around and deflected a rocket into the air with Zangetsu, he quickly sliced through the smoke and for a split second saw a bright orange light.

Tozuki shot a burst of Surge toward the light, but it was to late. Lloyds beam had fished charging up and he released a beam of Maho from his chest, Tozuki held Zangetsu in front of him but he felt the force of the blast at full force.

Tozuki In Head: Damn, so this is the power of an Awakening!

Tozuki was pushed into a tree, he quickly recovered and shot out a large burst of Surge which cleared all the smoke, revealing Lloyd panting heavily on his knees.

Tozuki: I Win~

Lloyd: Shut Up!

Tozuki: Want to get some ice cream?

Lloyd: How did you know I like ice cream- I mean, I'M NOT A LITTLE KID!

Tozuki: I'll get you strawberry flavor~

Lloyd: F-Fine

Tozuki: Hehe!

*Ice Cream Truck 10 Minutes Later*

Tozuki and Lloyd sat on a bench eating ice cream, Tozuki felt a vibrating in his pocket.

Tozuki: Hold up, I'm getting a call.

Tozuki took his phone out of his pocket and answered.

Tozuki: Hel-


Tozuki: Eating ice cream, why?


Tozuki: I'm fine, I don't need to rest right now


Tozuki: I'd like to see you try

Tozuki hung up as he and Lloyd finished there ice cream and began to walk away.

Tozuki: Why are you following me?

Lloyd: I'm basically your servant because of the contract, I might as well follow you

Tozuki: Go to your house

Lloyd: By the contract it's your house now, so if I went there it'd be breaking and entering

Tozuki: Well I transfer the ownership back to you, now go

Lloyd: No can do, that's not how owning land works

Tozuki: I said GO!

Lloyd: O-Okay!

Lloyd quickly ran away in another direction as Tozuki sighed and walked back to his dorm.

Tozuki decided to take a short cut through an alley way and noticed some masked men talking behind a dumpster, he attempted to walk past them but felt a tap on his shoulder.

Masked Man #1: Hey kid, you know its dangerous here, right?

Masked Man #2: Yeah, why don't you let us walk you home

Tozuki: I'm fine, please let go of me

Masked Man #3: We weren't asking you a question, why don't you take a seat?

Tozuki: I said I'm fine

Tozuki's eyes flashed purple for a split second scaring the Masked Men, but they quickly recovered their composure.

Masked Man #1: That's it, we tried to help you!

Masked Man #1 tried to punch Tozuki but when the punch was going to land Tozuki had disappeared. Masked Man #1 looked around and felt a sharp pain in his neck, it was cut off by Zangetsu, Tozuki's surge sword.

Tozuki glared at the Masked Men, as they were frozen in fear.

Masked Man #2: W-Why can't I move?!

Tozuki: Some people don't deserve to live, people like you

Tozuki performed a single slash as his Surge Sword disappeared, both Masked Men's heads were cut off and Tozuki performed {Soul Swipe} as he slightly grew in muscle and continued to walk down the alley.

Kanjiro sat in his dorm room, he was playing on his computer but couldn't get Tozuki off his mind, why did he always have to put himself in danger? Kanjiro thought he'd never know, he got off his computer and put on his shoes, walking out the door.

The street lights had already turned on and it was quite dark out, the moon shined very bright that night as Kanjiro walked down the street. He was trying to get things off his mind when he bumped into someone.

Kanjiro: Ah, sorry-

Kanjiro looked to see a strange figure, it stood there staring at Kanjiro. It was pure black with bright white eyes, resembling that of the moon, Kanjiro tried to brush it off and continued walking but he felt the creature keep staring at him.

Kanjiro turned around as the creature grabbed him, he tried to struggle but he couldn't move his body. He felt his consciousness fading as he tried to get the creature to let go with all his energy but for him, everything went to black.

{The Next Day Kusanagi Forest}

Lloyd: Hello, Tozuki-Senpai~

Tozuki: Stop calling me that!

Lloyd: Why are you always so mad at me?

Tozuki: Because you keep saying dumb sh*t!

Lloyd: Think fast!

Lloyd threw a mechanical ball at Tozuki, he caught it and slammed it into the ground, it exploded which burnt Tozuki's hand.

Tozuki: Let's start

Kanjiro Samui

Maho Amount: Uranium

Maho Quality: Uranium

Forza: Perfect Copy

{Description: The user can transform a sword into a different shape, and depending on how important your sword is to you, the more latent potential will be unlocked}

SS: Battle Animal

(Description: Normally User Can Only Use 75% Of Their Full Maho Amount, However When User Releases Adrenaline Can Access 1.25x Of Users Max Maho And Maho Quality Is Increased By 25%)

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 lbs