Chapter 7


She was dying to know, because this was something she hadn't anticipated.

"Come on, spit it out !" Curiosity was getting the best of he as she was dying to know why Mr A choose to call her.

"Well, he only asked for my name and told me..." Laura paused, feeling a bit awkward to say the last part.

Jasmine was puzzled, thinking to herself and wondering why the man asked for her name when it just à one night stand between them, Jasmine broke out of her thoughts and continued her line of questioning.

"What else did he say to you?" She asked, staring at Laura intensely.

" Hmm, he said I should prepare for tomorrow"

"I knew it! That's what he was going to say" Jasmine suddenly exclaimed standing up from her chair. Making Laura to stare at her with wide eyes. What did she say? Had she said something that didn't make sense?

"What happened, is that a bad thing ?" Laura asked starting to sound worried.

"Of course not. That's meant Mr A can't wait to get you on his bed, that is what it means! "

"Really?" Laura asked blinking her yes. Jasmine nodded with a sinister looking smile .

"Hey don't worry its just one night with him and all will be over. Trust me on this" Jasmine assured, seeing the worried expression on Laura's face still there.

Laura sighed heavily, on second thought she really didn't know what else to do, but the choice had already been made and there was no turning back on this.

Whether Laura liked thato Mr A or not.. She had made her choice and it was all for money. She glanced at her friend, who seemed more relaxed with the fact that Mr A had indeed accepted her.

"Just a night and it will be over" she thought to herself.


In a quiet apartment in the rich part of town, sat a good looking man laying on a massive looking bed which looked like it was made for ten people.

He had a charming face that could draw any woman's attention to him by her mere staring at him.

He stared quietly on his phone. His eyes were glued to it. The picture of the stunning girl laying sexy on the couch was driving him nuts! he couldn't draw his eyes away from her.

From all women he had met and fucked, she was the most unique specimen among them.

He could feel arousal building his body as he stared more at her picture, he had a high sex drive and he hadn't yet met a girl who could keep up with his constant need for sex. "You just want to fuck me, you don't even care about me" one of his exes had once said.

But being the son of the richest billionaires in town meant he could fuck any girl he wanted. He broke up with any girl that complained of his constant need for sex.

But ever since he discovered the maiden hotel from a friend of his constant need for sex was always satisfied, and money was never a problem he would pay any good looking slut any amount as long as she was willing to give him the fuck of his life.

Speaking of sluts this new girl was the greatest thing to happen in a while. She was a virgin and had never been fucked by any man yet!

That would make him the first person to taste the honey pot.

What drew his attention to this new specimen of his wasn't her great looking breasts or even her curvy legs, it was because of her virginity but, my god was this girl a beauty that could hook any man, addicted like a stick of cigarette to a smoker.

She was more than attractive, she was seductive! point of killing any man with her beauty.

How could a woman like her exist in this world and had nothing better to do but be a delivery prostitute!

The world wasn't fair, but he really didn't care all he cared about was fucking the best girls he could lay his hands on.

He stretched forth his hand and grabbed on a glass of wine, lifted it up to his lips and sipped a little from it before placing it back on the stool he took it from.

His eyes never disconnecting from the beauty in front of him.

Like he was lost in it. He moved his hand again and dragged on the latest Samsun phone in the market.

He quietly dialed on a number.

"Hello Max, cut off all the arrangements I have for tomorrow and every meeting" his masculine voice said, sending shivers down to the bones of the who was on the other end.

"Y-yes Sir" the man answered shakily as he didn't dare to ask why his boss decided to close of all activities tomorrow

"Consider it done.." before the man could finish his words, he immediately hung up the call. A wicked smirk curled on his lips as his eyes showed unmovable gaze on the girl's picture.

She was really alluring and up to his taste. He just couldn't wait to feed on this innocent lamb. It's would be sweet and lovely to fuck her and have her screaming his name. He just couldn't wait.

He wasn't one to brag but he gave countless women joy with his joystick.

He dragged on the fancy glass of wine and took a sip from it again while his eyes were still on her photo. He was obsessed at this point.

"You'll soon be mine" he said, while a devilish looking smile lit up on his lips with eyes examining her body shape.

'tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!'

.. ..

Back at Jasmine's Villa, the girls had finished with their meals.

And Jasmine seemed extremely tried as she waved while walking to her bedroom leaving Laura alone in the living room.

Laura quietly continued to sip on some wine while her minds grew up more thoughts.

She could only hope that she was doing the right thing and not the wrong one. She sighed tirelessly, while her mind raced back to the unknown man, Mr A.

Why did he even called her, was it necessary for the client to know the name of his delivery prostitute? She thought, as her mind raced on how he sounded, so creepy and scary.