Chapter 23 Come closer

"Good sleep?" A voice said, waking her fully from her snooze . She opened her eyes from her dizzy sleep and looked at the other side of the room, A captivating man was sitting on the fancy couch close to the bed with both legs crossed.

He looked well built through his robes, like a man who was desired by many. But still covered with his mask.. "Good morning" he said, grabbing on a glass of wine close to him

Laura bit her lips shyly as she replied " Good morning Mr..A "

He smiled upon hearing that. The girl looked down on the bed as she could see faintly a drop of blood

stained on the mattres

She swallowed, truly she had lost her innocence to him.

"Are you still concerned about your lost virginity?" He asked and frowned, but Laura couldn't see his face. Was that all he could say to her after how he pumped and grinded her? She thought to herself.

"No I'm not" she said without as much as a glance to his side