Chapter 29 You're free to go

"You are free to go" he said calmly but with a little bit of sadness in his voice. Laura who was thinking about the money in front of her, drew her attention back to the masked man.

She was free to go? She blinked her eyes multiple times trying to replay what she just heard, was it  really true that she would be finally free from this man hands..

"I am free to go?" She asked to be sure of his decision.

And the masked man nodded.. she could not believe what she was hearing, she was finally free!

It felt like the joy of Christmas in her heart. "I am going home!" She exclaimed inside. She couldn't believe that this man had finally decided let her go after what seemed like an eternity, she was glad to say the least.


There was a condition , but what again? She asked herself

"I will like have you again but for that second time,  you probably won't think about going back" he said coldly, but it all sounded like a  well thought out plan.