Chapter 39 New home

The car took a turn into the gated community and came to a halt in front of a building. Laura  stepped out and her eyes glanced at the beautiful bungalow in front of her.

She was amazed at its beauty, never in her wildest dreams did she believe that one day she would own a building as beautiful as this.

Jasmine must have had a great taste in houses and a great real estate agent because this house was much nicer than her little Villa in the US.. she smiled happily feeling the warm welcome of the sun on her skin. She was happy, this was amazing!

Even if she had worked her ass off for thirty years, She knew she couldn't still afford such a place , maybe sleeping with the rich crazy psycho wasn't a bad decision after all....

Just one night with him turned her into a millionaire overnight.. isn't this fucking insane? Who would have thought a low class girl like her would one day have a house as beautiful as this after just one night with a complete stranger!