Chapter 46 The Black wolf

In the silence of the graveyard you could hear mourning, you could hear cries by people dressed in black as they weeped for the lost. The relatives of Mr Rogers couldn't stop crying as they were consoled by family and friends.

The death of Mr Rogers was a shock to all, how could a man be killed in his own office without anyone hearing the sound of the gun shot.

The police was carrying out an investigation about his death, and every employee present that day had testified that a young man was the last person to enter Mr Rogers office.. And yet no one knew who this man was.. or even knew his name!

John who was the first person that saw the dead man and was brought in for some questioning. He told the police what he knew but didn't give out any of the information concerning Jasmine or the unknown girl Laura. He wanted to keep that one to himself for his own personal benefits.