Chapter 62

Adam who wasn't done talking ran after him saying. "Let the truth be told, both of you make a good couple!"

  Adam could be dramatic sometimes.

Ignoring his words, Steve left the corridor and went into the hall.

Immediately Laura saw him coming in, she ran to him. Hugged him and subconsciously kissed him on the cheek. Steve was shocked but immediately assumed she acted that way because she was overjoyed.

"Steve, you won't believe it. I'm in!" She exclaimed happily, jumping up with joy. Adam who was behind them rushed in.

"You're in?" He asked but without much surprise, of course, the girl had the look and body for the show, he never doubted that she was going to get a spot even though he would have picked her if he was there to judge her! Those annoying assholes, they couldn't wait for him to come back before they went on with the judging...

Laura immediately recognized the man as one of the judges and greeted him with a shy smile.