Chapter 65

Holmby Hill....

A car pulled up from the curb, it was a black Rolls Royce with Mr Robin seated in the driver seat with Jasmine on the passengers side, He pressed his car horn to signal to the security guards that they were at the gate...

Jasmine peeked through the car window, the place looked so familiar, when Mr Robin called her on the phone, he had told her that he had a better and a safer environment for her to live but she did not ask him where, she instead told him to take her to the place so she could see for herself if it was truly a safe place.

"Holmby Hill?" She mumbled when she finally recognized the place. "You brought me to Holmby Hill?" She said unpleasantly turning to Mr Robin, she wasn't expecting him to bring her here, she just needed a safe and not well known area to to live just like the street of her former apartment .