Chapter 71 found the lost lamb

Laura blushed and wondered if Steve was just saying it to encourage her. She was the one going to the audition and it was only her that knew how nervous she was, not the other way round. But she appreciated that he was there for her. That was all she needed, a friend to support her.

The rest of the drive continued in silence. Steve was still stealing glimpses of her. He didn't understand himself again. What the hell was happening to him when he couldn't get his eyes away from the girl? And to make matters worse, she looked sexier than ever, almost irresistible with a soothing calmness in her face. .

He had never felt this way with anyone except with Jasmine. But this time, his heart was pounding so fast that he was puzzled.

If he didn't focus on the road soon, he would surely get in a car crash.

No Steve wake up! He said to himself. The girl you love is Jasmine! He tried to convince himself.