Chapter 75

Quickly, Tiana stepped to Lim's side looking angry. She was still upset about the incident his men addressed her earlier, even after she came in with Lim.

She frowned. " Your men were rude to me, Lim", she complained, frowning and looking annoyed.

Lim put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. " I'm sorry about that." He whispered.

Instantly, Tiana's face blushed. Wasn't he the one who wanted their relationship to be secret? Then what did he think he was doing, she wondered. Nevertheless, she liked it.

Adam coughed to clear the air, breaking the silence and awkward situation around them.

Steve came back to life. He looked at Lim before turning his gaze to the girl beside him who had a pale, pleading face.

He touched her hand. " You don't need to explain yourself. I understand" he said gently.