Chapter 83

"Hello Sir" came the voice of a man at the other end of the phone.

"I want you to keep your eyes on her while she is in the country", Steve said coldly.

"Sure boss, you don't have to worry yourself. I will give her my full attention!"

"Good" he said, ending the call. He sighed peacefully. He could not understand why he was feeling this way towards her. He had just spent some days with her and he had come to care for her more than he had expected to. At first he was doing it as a favour to Jasmine, but with time he had grown fond of Laura. It was getting to a point where he might care for her as much as he did Jasmine. He didn't really understand his feelings towards her. Why did he get so emotional over things that happened to her, he didn't even want to see her unhappy?

He sighed again. Put his hands into his pockets, and glanced in the direction of the airport as he walked away..

"What's happening to me?" he muttered.
