Chapter 88

"Where the hell did you go to? You didn't come to the lounge. Now, you appear looking like a hussy in front of us. Did you thinks you're the only one who is a model here? Besides, you aren't a model yet! " One of the girls brutally burst out at Laura.

" Hey, stop that. We should be happy that she's here now" Adam quietly said. Trying to make peace between the girls even though he had no clue where Laura was coming from.

If she was in the girls lounge with them. Then, where was she coming from looking this beautiful and stunning? Adam asked himself but didn't say anything out. He wanted everything to calm down before he asked Laura in private.

" Hmm, Laura please come with me" Adam said, trying not to look at the girl too much in a disrespectful way, the beautifully gown she wore, brought out her fabulous curves. Making her look like the number 8.