Chapter 90

"Yeah, she is. I... I am coming back to the States", Steve suddenly confessed. Go straight to the point of the main reason he called.

"Coming back to the States! But why? Did your father call you ?"

" Hmm, no, just a decision I have made since Laura is... Is" he swallowed, wiping off the sweat forming on his forehead.

" Laura is what? C'mon on Steve. I don't have time for games. If you want to tell me anything, just do it now, okay."

" Y-y-yes. I just want to tell you that Laura is back in the States! " He quickly said.

Jasmine struck dumb for a minute. What the fuck did he just say? She chuckle. Oh Steve, trying to play games with me? That's not funny.

"Please Steve, break out of your games. I don't have time for it."

Steve sighed. He knows Jasmine would never agree to this. But the decision never comes from him. What else could he do?