Chapter 92

Laura stumped tirelessly on her bed. Today has been one of the most exhausting days ever. She couldn't anticipate what had just happened in the room. Tiana appeared to be a demoness lady in there. The girls have been practicing all through the day, from sunset to moonset. It wasn't easy though, as the steps were hard to keep up with.

She told them to demonstrate a straight cat walk, which was difficult for some of the girls who weren't able to know more steps in the field. It was really frustrating and annoying at the same time, since she couldn't give them a break!

The worst path, Tiana's attention seemed to be on Laura all through the participation. Her eyes never give the girl a breathing space!

She mocked in silence when she saw the girl was worse in every aspect of modelling. In spite of her pretty face and shape. A five-year-old child is much better than her.