Chapter 101 Missing

  Suddenly, Lim stopped walking. " Why don't you find it yourself since you're so desperate to find her room" he said, without spearing him a glance, and continued walking at his cold steps until he disappeared from the corridor. 

"Son of a gun !" Steve cursed.

He wishes that spoiled snobby man could just die. He was worse than his father. 

Just when he was about to continue his search, his phone dipped, distracting him.

He picked up the call and saw the caller was no one but his father, Mr Smith. " Speak of the devil", he grumbled before answering the call. 

"Where the hell are you!" Mr Smith asked harshly from the phone without giving the boy a space to explain himself. 

"Father .... I " before he could complete his statement. Mr Smith barks on the phone again. 

"I want to see you back home right now!"