Chapter 119 The game just get started

Before them could make a step out of the room,

"Stop right there Miss Williams!" Charles roared. Immediately, Jasmine felt froze on her feet. What do he wants now? She ask herself before turning to glanced at the handsome man seated on the couch like a boss of the office..

"What Mr Charles?" she asked innocently, trying to hide her fear and not to sound wrecking.

"Why leaving when the game just started"

A wicked smile twisted on his lips, while his eyes glanced on the girl who seem confused by his statement.

"Let go Jasmine!" Steve calls, dragging Jasmine out of her frighten mood. "You might go Mr Smith but I don't think she would dare to make a step on that consider what she has done" his voice was cold as ice. And in it, Jasmine could tell he was clearly warning her not to move out of the room..

Jasmine swallow, she turned to Steve, and stared into his innocent eyes that are full of worries.