Chapter 122

"Oh really?" Charles asked mockingly, and turned to look at the pale woman in his hands. Such a big gut, he must admit to himself. No one in society dares to send a killer after his life because they know what kind of man he is, but this little woman has the audacity to do that!

She even dare to tell an assassin to torture him?

What a little woman's boldness and skills. He likes that. Just the type of woman he likes. Not bad for a girl of 20 years old.

"Hmm, you'd have guts little wife."

"What? Does that mean you will-" before her words could finish, Charles dropped her roughly on the couch on the lounge.

Jasmine made a painful gasp when her ass hit the hard surface of the couch.

" Ha! "

Charles smiled, seeing that hurt her. At least she had to experience what it means to be tortured by a professional killer.