Chapter 124

When Lim cut the call, his blue-sparkling eyes darted in the direction of the pure innocent girl. Who was feeding on her food like he was never beside her..

He smiled, looking at her pinkish lips as she scooped a spoon into her mouth.

"Do you know how your lips work?" Lim asked with an amusing smile on his lips.

Laura stopped eating and looked up at him. " It works hot when I kissed it" he stated. Laura pursed her lips. This shameful man, there's no shame in his voice as he speaks. "Bastard" she murmured inwardly, biting on her lips before she went back to her food like he never said anything shameless to her.

"Are you going to ignore me the whole day?" Lim asked, creasing his eyebrows at her.

"I am done!" Laura hurriedly said, not wanting to spend more time with him in the same room. She stood up and head to the door, not caring if the devil responded to her words or not.