Chapter 142 Death wish

"Get your dirty hands off my wife!"

The voice thundered in the passage like a sound of an angry lion whose lioness was taken away for him. 

Laura looked behind her and she almost lost her balance but was held by Steve on the waist before she crumble. 

This only intensified the anger Lim already felt. He started walking towards them with deep steps that shook the building. 

His footsteps were like a thousand rocks hitting hard on the marble floor. He was pissed off and his eyes were filled with rage that sparkle fiercely. 

His expression was thick and stern wrapped with every emotional sign that signified anger and hatred.

Steve was a dead man.

Laura stood straight and bit on her lower lips. She was scared and terrified. How did Lim get to know her whereabouts? 

She didn't leak any information that would expose her going to anyone nor did she tell the Butler nor the bodyguards anything.