Chapter 162 Sweet payback

Ben led Laura to the conference room entrance and went back. 

There was an immediate silence with the press as they were bewildered watching the goddess take a step to the stage. 

Laura was uncomfortable with the eyes on her like. It was like a prom queen being welcomed to the scene to make a speech. 

She was praying that nothing bad should happen that could embarrass her as she managed to watch every step she took. 

This was her first time facing the press and she was extremely worried about it.

Lim walked down from the stage to Laura and stretched his hand further to her. Laura looked up at him and saw that his anger earlier had vanished and had been replaced by a sweet handsome smile that made him look so cute and irresistible.

She smiled and took his hand gladly. And she felt a little relief the moment she held hands with Lim.