Chapter 164 It was strange

The car stopped in front of the huge mansion. But Laura was still lost in thought. 

She just didn't know how she could process what happened at the conference today. 

It was strange. Why did Lim choose her to take over, when it was supposed to be Tiana? 

As much as she tried to understand the situation, she couldn't figure out what Lim's true intentions were.

The way Tiana was talking back at him, showed there might be something secretly happening between the two. 

Lim pecked her on the cheek, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

"Babe, we are home," he said and opened the car's door.

"Is there something between you and Tiana that I need to know?" Laura asked and turned to Lim, who stopped at the edge of the door. He sighed and closed the door behind him.

Laura looked at him as he stood silent to her questions. Then, she knew that something must have happened between them.