Bonus chapter

"Why didn't you tell us that you were married?"

To an ordinary person, they were just words spoken by a child but to Laura, it sounded so much like a scolding. 

Laura stared shockingly at Lim, who was seated on the couch with his legs crossed like a king, looking at her with a mysterious smile on his face. 

What the hell has he told the boy behind her back that made him sound this way?

"Married? Who told you I'm already married?" Laura asked confused.

"He did." Dennis pointed at Lim. 

Laura's eyes moved from the boy and back to Lim again, who still had that intimidating grin on his face.

"That's a bastard!" Laura muttered under her breath.

It was one thing to tell the world they were married but her brother?

Now, she was curious to know exactly what Lim had fed the boy behind her back.