[Bonus chapter]

Steve was still angry after Sam left. 

He just didn't understand why everyone honored this devil-like god so much so that they all wanted to take his side. 

He had never expected that from Sam. 

Sam was his cousin and he should have been more important to him than a mere friend! But no, Sam took Lim's side.

Steve sat back on the chair and took the TV remote to watch something —anything that could take his mind away from his current problems.

And as soon as he turned on the television, the channel that popped up was talking about the wealthiest young man in the country —which was Lim Walter.

Steve got angry and switched off the TV immediately. 

Why was the entire country going crazy about this silly guy Lim? Couldn't he just rest a day without that stupid name coming up?

That motherfucker!

He promised to make him kneel someday!

His phone buzzed on the table and he glared at it. It was  Old April.