[Bonus chapter]

There was silence on the table.

"I'm asking a damn question! Who the fuck posted a video of my woman?" Lim shouted again.

But the silence was still there.

Old Walter, was heartbroken. He didn't expect this. Who could have released such horrible videos? He wasn't heartbroken about Lim's reaction, but he was concerned about the girl.

Who would have thought of this unforgivable act? He had known the history of how Laura and Lim met and he saw nothing wrong with that. As far as his son and the girl love each other. There should be nothing that would come between them. Old Walter concluded.

Laura sat quietly and she lowered her head to the table. She was too ashamed of herself to look at anyone in the eyes. 

Even though her eyes hadn't seen the video yet, with Lim's reaction, she could tell the video was really bad. But what type of video did they post of her? Was it the video of her having sex with Lim!