Chapter 184 Feverish

Laura and Lim got home and she quickly went to check on her brother who was fast asleep. She placed kisses on his forehead before finally drawing herself out of his room.

She still hated herself for forgetting about him. After all these months but she was grateful that Lim had tried to fix that by bringing him home to her.

Laura went to her room and took her bath. She changed into her night dress and then returned to Dennis' room.

  She had missed him so much seeing him lying alone on the bed brought back painful memories, she couldn't stay away from him. 

She laid down on the bed with the sleeping Dennis. 

The day had been totally exhausting for her. She had no idea that such a thing would happen at the dinner today.

She sat closed her eyes and thought of how it played out in the end, none of them saw the twist coming. She was sure her reputation was going to rot in the mud. Until the situation changed, she believed Lim had a hand in it.