[Bonus chapter]

The bright rays of the sun filtered through the window and landed on Tiana's face, pulling her gently out of sleep.

Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched her hands.

Last night was a complete disaster and disappointment, but she hoped the new day brought good fortune.

The scene flashed before her eyes and she shook her head. The family dinner had turned into a disaster.

She still could not believe what happened. They had planned to humiliate Laura but, they were the ones that got humiliated. 

She really thought the plan was going to work, but it failed miserably.

Tiana sighed and sat up on the bed.

She needed to prove her innocence. She had to fight for herself.

She couldn't sleep properly last night because her mind was trying to think of a way out.

Since the bulk of the humiliation wasn't on her, she could easily clear her name and put all the blame on Cindy. She was never going down with her.