Chapter 188 Cheap plan

When Charles and Jasmine got down the stairs, her aura was already filled with darkness as she held back her anger.

She was indeed surprised to see her father and his son seated in the living room, waiting patiently for them. 

The moment they saw them approaching. Mr. Williams and his son Jack stood up on their feet.

"Jasmine, my dear," Mr. Williams muttered with affection in his eyes, but Jasmine wasn't affected by it. 

Instead, she held a stormy look on her face. She despised the presence of her father and hated the sound of his voice, so much that it made her feel sick. 

She hissed, and Charles led her to sit while Mr. Williams and Jack were still standing.

The question that bothered her was why he was there. He was the one who happily sold her out to Charles. So, what the hell did he want from her?

"You can sit, Mr. Williams," Charles' uttered after he took his seat beside Jasmine.