Chapter 194 I Am A Killer

It was nighttime already. 

Dennis was put to bed after a lot of stories were read to him. He didn't fail to tell Laura about his new school and how big and amazing the school looked. 

Laura was impressed when he told her about the places Lim had taken him. They had visited so many places but the one he loved most was the playground.

Laura was shocked. She never thought Lim could be this caring and loving to a child.

She had always seen Lim as a cold prince. She thought he couldn't even stand the sight of children. 

But now, through Dennis, Laura knew she had misjudged Lim's character from the start.

With a smile on her face, she left Dennis's room and went to hers. She headed straight to the bathroom and washed herself clean.

When she was done, she went to the wardrobe to look for something sexy to wear. Lim had been given her lustful gazes throughout dinner. She had a feeling, he would come to her.