[Bonus chapter]


A soft knock resonated against Lim and Laura's bedroom door. Laura was in the bathroom and she had left Lim still sprawled on the bed with their handsome son.

She expected him to have answered the door but when the knock resonated again, she hurriedly rinsed off the soap from her body and hurried out of the bathroom with a towel sparsely tied around her body.

"Lim, didn't you hear the door?" She hissed as she made her way to the door.

"I pay them to handle things in the house not bring every little thing to me... I am tired..." He mumbled softly against his son's head.

Laura couldn't help but roll her eyes. Lim was a changed person but sometimes he couldn't help but be cruel at the smallest of things.

She ignored him and went to pull the door open. There was her maid standing with her head lowered to the floor.