Chapter 2 - New Member

/At The Mishiki Clan Headquarters/

"Well, then It seems like everyone's here, especially our New Member, Matsuoka Shou. Since He has proven himself quite useful based on Toda's Words I'll be putting Him on Division 6, Division 6 He's in your care now." (Yumiko)

"Ehh are you serious" Spoken by a member of the group.

"A New Member? In Division 6 at that even" Another one exclaimed.

"Poor guy his New Teammates are Gonna be hard to deal with They're all Monsters" Exclaimed another.

"But He doesn't even look that strong" Called out another.

"That's true" Whispered one.

As expected They have their own doubts about the Newbie not that I can blame them He doesn't even look that strong, But It can't be helped since I need more Manpower and It's a win-win for both me and him. Not only can He Pay back the money his parents owe us but he can still have his life and as a bonus, I can have more Manpower to expand My territory. (Yumiko)


Division 6 huh It's been a while since I heard that, since in my previous life, a few years after joining Division 6 The whole Team was Murdered while doing a commission with me and I was the only one who survived Because My teammates died trying to protect me since the enemy was aimed at me the whole time I don't know why they wanted to kill me, even now I don't know why. Since I was the only surviving member of the 6th Division, Mishiki-oyabun had no choice but to disband Division 6.

"Well then Matsuoka-Kun You should go and introduce yourself to your new comrades, Oh and I almost forgot the reason why people are gossipping about You being in Division 6 is that division 6 is known for having Monsterous teammates that will consume your sanity from the inside, In other words, They're demons So Goodluck Matsuoka I know you can handle them," She said with a devilish evil smile. (Yumiko)

"Y-yeah thanks I'll keep that in mind." (Shou)

"That's all for Today's Meeting you guys can Leave now." (Yumiko)

"Yes ma'am." (everyone)

An arm suddenly grabbed my shoulder across.

"Yo Newbie, I guess you already heard of us huh," He said with a grin on his face. (Nakano, Ryota)

"The Demons of Division 6 Kukuku." (Kitagawa, Hotaru)

"You're in our care now newbie, You better not Die on us easily, Or else," She said with a devilish smile. (Koga, Eiko)

"I-I'll be in your care then" Even If I already met them before they're all still scary as before. (Shou)

"The Name's Nakano Ryota, She's Kitagawa Hotaru Despite her shortness in height She's fast as a bunny and Can Murder You In a Second, And The one Who just Threatened you Is Koga Eiko, She's a demon Basically She's a Sadist." (Ryota)

"Like hell, You're any better. The last newbie we had almost died while you were teasing him with a live grenade on a Job." (Eiko)

"Teehee." (Ryota)

Despite that rumor sounding like a lie, It's Definitely true Because back then he also threw a live grenade at me. (Shou)

"Ehem Moving on, Our Vice commander is Hora Yuichi although he doesn't look like a man and more like a girl Don't let his appearance Fool you Because He has 50 Confirmed Kills Cuz of People Insulting His looks and Because of that, He's perfect for Spying on other gangs and scouting Enemy territory Because He can easily change his looks...

And Finally, Our Division Captain Although He's not here yet." (Ryota)

"Now that you mentioned it where is Captain." (Hotaru)

Suddenly I Hear a faint sound of Someone Dragging Something coming closer Until I saw a silhouette of them from afar.

"Uwahh There's no doubt about it... That's him." (Ryota)

"Kukuku Even Doing something like this when He knows there's a newcomer Joining our division." (Hotaru)

"Good grief He never changes huh." (Yuichi)

At that moment I knew based on their reactions and this Familiar yet Menacing Aura There's No Doubt, It was The Division captain And the thing he was dragging along is a person, all tied up, pulling him by the hair.

"U-um Who's Tha.t" (Shou)

"Hah? I Should be the one asking Who're you?" (Division captain)

"I-I'm the new member of the 6th Division, Matsouka Shou N-nice to meet you." (Shou)

"Well aren't you unlucky, As you can already tell Mishiki-Oyabun placed you in the worst division possible because the 6th Division is known for Having Monsterous Teammates and I mean Very Monsterous teammates that are probably even worse than a demon... And Oh I almost Forgot to mention, I'm Yamakawa Raiden Nice to meet ya too." (Raiden)

"Y-yes Anyway who's that again." pointing to the person he's dragging around (Shou)

"Oh Him He's one of the enemy gangs who almost destroyed one of our establishments." (Raiden)

"And what are you going to do with him, Are you gonna torture him or Something?" (Hotaru)

"Yeah or I'll just kill him instead Depends on what the Boss says." (Raiden)

"I-I see." (Shou)

"Then I'll see you guys later then, I'll probably get some new orders from the boss after this so you guys go on standby." (Raiden)

"Sureee." (Hotaru, Yuichi, Ryota, Eiko)

"Y-yes Roger that." (Shou)

"Whatever, You guys Give the newbie a tour around or something while I'm gone." (Raiden)

"Sure thing Captain, Take care." (Hotaru)

"Oi Shou-Kun Don't be so nervous." Pats my shoulder (Ryota)

"It's not like he's gonna bite you or anything." (Hotaru)

"In the first place how'd a person like you get into this situation, You don't even look like a thug or even threatening, you just look similarly cute as Vice-captain Yuichi." (Eiko)

"HEY." (Yuichi)

"I'm kidding haha." (Eiko)

"W-well to put it simply my parents borrowed money from Mishki-oyabun and ran away without paying back and the only they found was me so they were about to kill me until I offered them a deal to spare my life in exchange to working for them to pay back all my bastard of a parents debt." (Shou)



"You're quite the tough one making a deal to Mishki-oyabun, Although She's beautiful and all She's still scary when she gets serious and all, But still quite commendable HAHAHAHAHA." (Yuichi)

"Alright guys I get it so Just laughing you guys It's embarrassing now." (Shou)

"Don't worry about it too much Shou-Kun there's nothing to be embarrassed about and you should get ready soon who knows what kind of job we'll get after the captain comes back." (Ryota)

"Yes sir" (Shou)

I should also get ready to ask for some training from someone I know after the job, Just in case...