Chapter 18 - Assistance

After we entered the hotel room, she suddenly kicked me onto the bed from behind, followed by her pinning me down. Restraining my hands using hers.

"I'll get to the point." She said.

"S-shouldn't we just sit properly like any normal people? Why do you have to pin me down?" I said in a flustered manner.

"Well, I just wanted to tease you that's all. It's cute seeing your face turning all red from embarrassment."

"Wha-, L-let's just get straight to the point already! What kind of questions do you have to ask me?!"

"It's simple, but let me clear some few things up. First, That friend I was talking about earlier, he wasn't my friend he's my boyfriend, well I don't really spend that much time with him anyway as I was only using him. Second, The reason why I'm using him is because of the money he gives me unconditionally, I know where and how he got that money but I'm going to tell you this beforehand. I am not involved nor did I ask him to extort money from others for me. Did you get that? I don't want any misunderstandings, I don't want any issues with anyone."

"I-is that all?"

"No, I was about to get to the main part of my question. You, I heard you managed to beat him up including his friends."

"Wait before that, Which one of them is your boyfriend."

"Based on what he said, he was the one who asked you for money first."

"Ah, Him."

"Moving on. How did you manage to beat them all up, you certainly don't look like someone who would fight, I even thought you were a girl when I arrived late a few moments ago."


"Well? You better start answering or else... Because I have the upper hand right now."

"I-I can't say..."

She let out a long, frustrated sigh. "Ok, I understand you don't trust me, especially with your current position right now... Hmm."


"Shh, I'm thinking."

Should I tell her the truth? Mishiki-oyabun did say it's up to us whether or not we wanted to tell others we're part of the yakuza as long as we don't dirty the family name... But what if she spread rumors about it? Wait no! I also have the advantage since she's pinning me down like this, but will they believe me?

"I-in the first place why do you want to know? It doesn't matter to you if I managed to beat them or not does it?"

"You have a point but you see I'm quite in a predicament right now that's why I'm looking for strong."

"Then why didn't you ask me instead of other people."

"Because I saw you fighting those upperclassmen and my boyfriend."

So she's the mysterious figure I saw back then... Wait so, It wasn't Hotaru-san?? Now that I think about it, the silhouette of the figure was taller than Hotaru... What a blunder.

"So tell me, How are you good at fighting."

"Um, I'm a member of the taekwondo club?"

"Not buying it, even if you are a member of the taekwondo club, I'm sure they haven't taught you how to deal with more than one person."

Tsk, She has a point.

"It's useless, lying to me Shou-Kun."


Suddenly she slipped her hand under my shirt, groping my stomach.


"If you don't start talking I'm going to pinch you."

"Damn you- Ok, ok, I'll talk! I'm-"

We were interrupted by someone yelling outside with the sounds of multiple motorbikes roaring.

"Tsk, I didn't expect them to see me in this district. Or did my boyfriend follow me?"

Hana walked toward the window to open it to find her boyfriend who actually followed her and brought his other friends with him... It seems he's part of some sort of biker gang.



"By the way, why are you trying to find people who are strong?"

"Because I'm breaking up with my boyfriend, In the first place I don't really like him, I only got together with him because of his connections but lately, he's getting on my nerves so I want someone to beat him up for me because If I were to break up with him he's not going to let me go that easily and he's part of a biker gang at that which makes it worse."


"Well since you're partially involved in this already I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I'm actually an information broker, I sell information for others if you didn't know what an information broker means."

"Ah." That's why... I let out a sigh,

"It can't be helped then. I'll help you."

"Are you sure you can do it, I know you can handle three or four people but can you handle thirty people he bought with him?"

"I'll manage."

I let her stay inside since he's probably the type of person to take someone hostage and she'll just get in the way.

I walked out of the hotel to find them already surrounding the entrance.

Tsk, I didn't even bring my katana with me, but I don't I should use it on them in a public place like this, I thought to myself.

"I really can't take a break from all of these fights do I?"



Maybe I should play with him a little bit.

"She's actually pretty good in bed than I thought, I might even want to take her for myself."


Suddenly he started running toward me with a punch hurled up, but it was obvious where he was going to punch so I easily evaded it. and again he threw another punch on his opposite hand. He kept attacking me relentlessly but all was in vain.

"You fucker- Stop Dodging and stay still!"

"I refuse, Why should I listen to trash like you?"

He was fuming, Paused for a brief moment, and Hurled a massive haymaker.

I walked one step behind, Spun 360° from my left. With the momentum, Swung my arm at a 90° angle to his left jaw in a quick motion. Followed by a consecutive number of quick blows, attacking each other back and forth, Exchanging blows.

I should end this quickly, I have more people to deal with, I thought to myself.

Suddenly he spun around in his center to deliver an attack below to my lower jaw. I stepped one foot back to reset but his attack mutated into a grab to my right hand instead, pushing me to the concrete floor.