Chapter 20 - A date?!

As the day was turning over into the evening, I received a call from an unknown number. Naturally, I picked up the call.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Sorry for taking your contact info without your permission, newcomer." A familiar tone, it took me a second to recognize it as Mishiki-oyabun.

"Ah, Mishiki-oyabun, it's fine, and what brings you to call me at this hour?"

"Why am I interrupting you or something?"

"It's not like that I was just a bit concerned, you calling me at this hour, shouldn't you relaxing at this point?"

"Yes, You're right, I would've been in my bed peacefully sleeping if something didn't bother me since this afternoon."

"And what is that thing that keeps bothering you? Mishiki-oyabun."

"The other gangs with the exception of the Kakaido Clan, have been quiet lately."

"You have a point."

"That's why I'm asking you to investigate their regions with me."

"Pardon?" I was caught by surprise by Yumiko's unexpected request as she rarely goes with someone alone, let alone with a newcomer.

"Are you refusing my request?"

"N-no not at all, When do you intend to meet?"

"I was thinking of going out tonight since the Rytsunaga clan's business should be open at this hour and I'll be engaged in trading with the Hachibana clan as well for some supplies."


"Yes, Think of it like a date."

"A-a date?!"


"I-i see... Then I'll be preparing now. Should I bring my weapon for insurance?"

"You may bring it but put it in a bag after you are done meet me at my office."

"Yes ma'am."

Afterward getting ready for his so-called 'date', Shou found himself trembling internally as if death itself was latching onto his spine just by standing in front of Mishiki's office; Knocking on the door, Toda answered and opened it for Shou.

"I have arrived, Ma'am."

"You're here quite early, Nevertheless better than being late."

"Well, when you called me, I conveniently just recently came back home from going out with my friends just a few moments ago."

"Hmm, I see, Did you have a great time? You're practically healed from the last mission but you still have some injuries that you have to take account of."

"No, I'm perfectly fine and I'll make sure to take it easy, ma'am."

"That's reassuring. And I heard you stole someone else's significant other this morning."

"Ah, Where did you get that information ma'am? And It's all just a misunderstanding!"

"Apparently someone tried to buy our services to eliminate you and He was yapping about taking revenge on you and wanting to kill you for humiliating him in front of everyone, including his girlfriend you stole from him."

"AH! Her ex-boyfriend?"

"Ex-boyfriend? So you did woo her."

"Shou, how sadistic are you?" Toda commented while shedding a tear.

"Not you too, toda!"

"I'm just messing with you. But as we leave I demand an explanation as to what made him so mad at you to the point he would take revenge on you at all costs."

I explained to her in detail as to what happened with Hana and her 'Boyfriend'

"What a cunning woman..."

"Y-you could say it like that..."

Yumiko directed her gaze outside from the car window.

"It seems like we have arrived at the Rytsunaga clan's region."

"The red light district huh."

"Shou! We're not here to satisfy your desires and senses."


Mishiki let out a small giggle from my reaction to her poking fun at me.

"Just kidding. You know we're here to do business and loot around the area."

Admittedly the lights and everything else are appealing to the senses in the red light district but I should be focused on escorting Mishiki-Oyabun.

We entered in one of the largest host clubs that is presumably owned by the Rytsunaga clan, we could find in the red light district.

"Their quarters should be at least around here..."

"I'll go ask someone to guide us, ma'am." toda offered.

"No that won't be necessary."


"Just ask the bartender there."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Toda asked the bartender where they could find their boss and the bartender complied, seems like he isn't part of the gang, at least for now I think, Shou thought to himself.

"He said it was this way, Ma'am."

"Lead the way."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Eventually, we found the head boss of the Rytsunaga clan. A blonde, tanned person, looking as if he were a high school himbo of some sort in his mid-twenties or so. Surrounded by hostesses

"What brings you here? Yumiko-chan?"

In a blink of an eye, Yumiko pulled out her gun, aimed toward his head.

"People like you have no right to refer to me casually."

"Hey, Hey, now don't be like that, I thought you were here to build rapport."


"... Or maybe are you here to have some fun, Or to confess your love-"


A horrendous booming sound enshrouded the entire room followed by smoke coming out of Hahijo's barrel, nearly hitting his foot by a few inches.

"Shut your trap Rytsunaga Yujiro, or do you want your leg to get blown off instead?"

"Yes, Yes, I'll shut up," Yujiro said in a composed, cunning tone.

Rytsunaga Yujiro is a simple-minded man and easily falls in love with any girl he's attracted to and at times, tried to woo them with a few successful attempts. Despite him being a himbo and somewhat dumb, that doesn't mean he's completely harmless as he's quite shamelessly cunning. You could say everyone hates him, with the exception of his yakuza gang of course but he mostly uses them as his security guards and escorts for smuggling and such. Yujiro may be a himbo but at the very least treats anyone with slight respect.

'Assholes like Yujiro are really annoying to deal with' Yumiko thought to herself.

"In any case, What brings the infamous, 'Ruthless commander of the Mishiki clan to my lowly establishment?"

"Simple. I want to buy some of your best liquor."

"... Pardon?"

"You heard me."

Did she actually... Just asked me to escort her just to buy alcohol?!

"I-is that all?"



After Yumiko finished purchasing liquor, Shou turned his attention to Toda and his other guards and they were all unsurprised except Shou.

Shou asked. "Is this- Does this happen all the time she goes out?"

"Sometimes But yes, It has happened before."

"... Then what was the purpose of bringing my sword with me?"

"Didn't you say it was for insurance?"


"Who knows what might happen you know? better safe than sorry."

"... That's certainly true."

"Alright, Let's go to the Hachibana's region."

"Yes, Ma'am."