Chapter 32

It has been 4 days since the Mishiki clan smuggled the equipment for themselves and now their boss: Mishiki Yumiko is planning on a proper celebration; rather a vacation for the division whom she sent for the commission.

"Hmm, hey toda where do you believe is a good place for a vacation?"

"Who is it for?"

"The sixth division, I feel pity for them that I only threw them a few drinks at a bar a few days ago, after they finished the commission. So I was thinking of treating them for a vacation trip of 2-3 days."

"Then, ma'am I would suggest here."

"...Sounds good to me. Ah right, what about that kid's studies? He's in freshman year of college right?"

"That is correct, ma'am."

"Whatever, I'll just leave it to Someone else instead."


"Hm? A message?"

[Message from

Congrats, sixth division team, because of your hard work, you are all allowed to take a hiatus for a few days and I'll be picking where you guys will be on a holiday, don't worry about the expenses, it's my treat, the lodging that is. Meet up at the headquarters at 3:30, once all of you have gathered, I want everyone to come to my office simultaneously.]

"What's the matter, Shou?" kayo asked.

"It's nothing, it was just a message from my boss at work."

"You have a job!?"

"Is it that unbelievable?"

"N-no, of course not why would I ever doubt you on getting a job."

"... right."

"Anyway, what part-time job did you put up with?"

Shou replied with a nervous tone; "Uhh, I uhh I-It's a bit hard to describe but I work as a h-heavy lifter in a warehouse you know?"

"Like a forklift driver or something?"

"Y-yeah! Exactly!"

"Sounds boring."

"At least the salary is good."

"Well, you do you, I guess." Said Kayo with a shrug and a look of disappointment as if he was expecting something good.

"Don't even think about trying to meddle with my work, it's dangerous you know?"

"What's so dangerous about working as a warehouse worker?"

"... Whatever just don't go to my work."

"... You didn't even tell me where anyway."

"You're still going to try and find it anyway!"


'... This message from Mishiki-oyabun... It's rare for her to send us on a vacation, this hasn't even happened in my first life, did my actions change the outcome drastically again?' Shou thought to himself. 'In any case, It's useless to stress about it too much, as long as the members of the sixth division and everyone else I know, including me, are alive then I'm already satisfied with that.'

After Shou's classes have finished, he immediately went ahead, dashing towards headquarters as he is running late, since his class ends at 3:40.

"You're late!" Eiko exclaimed.

"It can't be helped you know? my classes end at 3:40."

"You should've skipped classes instead dumbass, you're part of the yakuza now."

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to have a backup plan in case it fails you know?" Yuichi replied. "being part of a yakuza gang is risky after all."

"Tch, whatever."

"Now, now I'm aware of that, I just wanted to finish college just in case you know?" Shou replied.

Eiko glared at Shou with disappointment but slowly changed to a sigh of frustration as she knows that its useless to convince him any further.

"In any case, we should head into her office already, we're all late," Eiko exclaimed.

As they all entered Yumiko's office, Hotaru, Ryota, and their Leader are already waiting for them.

"You're late," Yumiko answered.

"My apologies that would be my fault," Shou replied.

"Forget it, I'll just get straight to the point. Since you all did a good job on escorting all those highly valuable pieces of equipment, I offered the whole sixth division to be on paid leave or should I say on a holiday."

"About that, Mishiki-Oyabun, what about my studies?" Shou asks.

"I already have taken it into consideration and had someone find this year's test answers and notes if you don't want to use the exam answers instead."

"... T-then I'm very grateful for your consideration..." Said, Shou with a shocked tone.

"Um, where exactly are we going? You mentioned in the text that you were going to personally pick where we should take our paid leave." Shou asked.

"Good question, all of you are going to..."

"OKINAWA!" Everyone shouted.

"Man, to think Mishiki-oyabun would send us paid leave to Okinawa island, this is the best!" Said Ryota.

"Do whatever you guys want just don't make a ruckus at the beach." Said Raiden as he tries to light his cigarette. "If you guys need me I'll be under the shade."

'Although I haven't been to the beach with the sixth division in my first life, I guess maybe the captain doesn't like swimming in the sea.' Shou thought to himself.

"We're back." Said Hotaru.

Eiko and Hotaru came back from changing their clothes. Hotaru was playing it safe and was wearing a one-piece swimsuit. 'her proportions are somewhat petite but only natural for her age... I haven't seen Hotaru grow up in my first life as she died prematurely... I felt guilty for being the only one alive at that moment but now, I will change that.' Shou thought to himself. As for Eiko she wore a little bit suggestive and went for an attractive two-piece swimsuit, her proportions were all average but still undoubtedly quite attractive of her.

"If you try to do something funny to me Ryota, I will bash your head to the sand."

"...I haven't even done anything yet," Ryota replied.

"Last one to reach the sea will have to buy drinks for us," Hotaru yelled.

"You're on!" Ryota answered.

In the end, Shou lost because he was too distracted and now he has to buy drinks at a vending machine for them but unfortunately the vending machines were broken at the time, and had to buy drinks at the nearest store which was almost half a kilometer away, in the heat.

"Damn it, to think I have to buy them drinks out in the blazing heat... Fuck, I should've been cooling off in the sea right now. Now that I mentioned it, I wonder what Hana is doing right now."

Meanwhile back in Tokyo...

"That bastard Shou, He left to get a vacation without me, while his classes are still ongoing at that! I'll have to punish him later once he gets back."

"... For some reason I feel cold down my spine, out of the blue."