Chapter 41

That day, Yumiko decided to confront Nao the next time she meets her again. The next day arrived and Yumiko confronted Nao at the schoolyard about the scandal she heard from Nao herself

"Hey~ Yuko-chan, why did you bring out of the classroom all of sudden? Is there something you want to talk about?" Nao asked.

"...Is it true?" Yumiko replied.


"Tell me, is it true?"

"What are you talking about? What do you mean it is true?"

"Is it true that you're embezzling other people's money?" Yumiko said with a sharp gaze.

Nao knew what Yumiko was talking about from the start but decided to try and get away with it so she started to make excuses as a last-ditch effort before admitting to her deeds.

"Embezzlement? How Could I?"

"Then show me the money that you eagerly wanted to hold on to."

"Huh? Of course, I don't have it with me right now, why would I carry that much money with me? Do you know how much money we collected from those bullies that could possibly be from a victim's money?

"Your excuses aren't even connecting to the topic right now, It's obvious you're trying to avoid the question. Now Tell me, Is it true or not!?"

The jig is up, Nao couldn't find any more excuses... No, Yumiko forced her into a corner before she could make her move.

"Tch, you're sharp when you're on your guard, guess there's no use in hiding it anymore."

"Why? Why did you do it?"

"Simple, I just don't want to use my own money and besides the money, I'm spending is from the bullies' wallet, not the victims."

"That's where you messed up, I didn't mention any victims and yet you mentioned taking the bullies' money as if you're being accused of taking the victim's money through the bully."

"...Damn, You're really sharp. How did you know?"

"You're too carefree, you let your guard down and now that you showed your true colors, I'm thankful that I don't have to spend time with someone like you because if I continued spending time with a person like you, I would've tortured you to the point that you'll want to die instead."

"Heh, I can't make light of your words since I know you could do that but this is where you will have to stop since you already found out then I'm sure that you would've known about me secretly making a gang don't you?"

Suddenly several large groups of their school thugs and even students who were convinced about getting more money gathered around them with no warning.

At first, Yumiko was internally shocked that Nao developed a gang of her own just to extort more money with a false appearance of removing every single bullying in school but immediately calmed down because even if she's outnumbered, she will not be easily defeated because she has been constantly being loyal to her training in martial arts even if she is done learning it.

"You think this is going to be enough to stop me?"

"Pfft, I know you're strong and all but I don't think you'll survive going against several people all at once."


"Why are you being all quiet now? Are you scared? Haha! I'm getting tired of pretending to be a good student in front of everyone, especially you, since I'm feeling sorry for you I'll give you chance to let this all go if you don't tell anyone else about this and if you bow down and kiss my shoes. How does that sound?" Nao taunted.

Without saying a word, Yumiko started to warm up and stretch her body, cracking her fingers and stretching both of her legs and arms and every part of her body.

"What are you doing? You're still insisting on fighting? Ha! Good luck dumbass, You'll be groveling on my feet begging for forgiveness before even the fight would start."

Yumiko uttered three words to Nao before massacring everyone to near death with her eyes showing no remorse; "Fuck you bitch!"

Yumiko immediately boosted in front of one of the enemies and shoved her knee to his nose, breaking it in the process. The recoil of her kick made his head kick back and head-butting other people behind him.

One of them tries to hit me with a sly punch from the left but I ducked down, hurled up my hips, and flicked a quick punch to his solar plexus. Two people tried to attack, One being close, attacking with a punch to my right, and one approaching me from the left with a kick. I immediately shoulder rolled his punch and spun him around his axis before shoulder throwing him to the three others. I caught one of the kicks from the person earlier and threw him around again before throwing him to the others.

"Tch, Let's just use whatever the hell we want guys! There's only one of her." One of them yelled before running toward me holding a pipe.

He attacks me with an overhead strike followed by a swing from his side and another and another and another overhead strike. An opening, before he could rechamber his arm with another swing with the pipe, I swiftly thrust my leg to his stomach before running him down and grabbing him by the neck, and using him as a shield to clobber and shove through the rest.

"Fucking idiots, she's just one person just attack her on all sides!" Yelled Nao in desperation.

Yumiko started to become faster at taking them out as she began using Sly tricks to knock them out. Grabbing them by the hair, poking their eyes, and kicking them in the groin.

"It's useless Nao, just give up before I change my mind..." Yumiko said.

"As if, you think you're hot shit just because you can fight better than anyone else don't you!? Well, guess what, I'm going to bring your ass to hell."

"...Your grave, bitch."

"Tch, stop calling me a bitch!!!"