Chapter 43

A year passed by and during that time, Yumiko's reputation in her school grew and students made a name for her, they call her Onihime, The demon princess as people saw her with her father going home from school after the meeting with two menacing people escorting them. People that wanted to follow Yumiko grew larger and larger, slowly over time, Eventually, Yumiko established her own gang that was named after their school but was later named The red vultures. People from other schools heard rumors about her and started a commotion from time to time but every fight they started with their school, it would always end in a flash while still being beautiful, thus earning her nickname.

People wanted to teach her how to fight better than they currently are, Yumiko didn't want to but instead make them gain experience by fighting in real battles and would try to assist them if they were ever in a pinch but she would never completely teach them as she thinks that they are not ready for it and it's also because of her trust issues but regardless she would try to help them effortlessly unless necessary. Even with the cold treatment, she gave them they still insisted on following her.

Yumiko was now in high school, Nao transferred to a different school and so does some of the students who followed Yumiko but before they left, they've said their goodbyes to their boss and the others, in the future they either managed to get a stable job or a happy life with their partner or pursuing their dreams. As for the others who didn't transfer they still continued on to follow her and brought in more members, the gang is still running in their fourth generation in the present but everyone in the gang knew that no one could even compare the influence and power of the first generation. Yumiko was considered a legend in her school and now in Tokyo. Some of Yumiko's yakuza members were formerly her middle school or high school classmates who were loyal to her and followed her until now.

Then one day at lunch break, Yumiko hears someone yelling her name at the school front gate. People gathered to look at what was the commotion about only to find Nao and several other students from a different school waiting at the school gate, a handful of them holding pipes and bats, and wooden swords.

"Yo! Did you miss me, bestie?" Nao yelled.

"Not in the slightest bit." She replied.

"Aw, that really hurt me you know?"

"So did I when you made a fool out of me to believe you were my friend when in fact you used me instead."

"I was serious about being friends you know?"

"Don't fucking lie to me, even if you were serious about our friendship you still had motives for using me."

"Tch, You're still sharp as ever, Yumiko."

"Yes, But you're actually just easy to read the second time."

"... Fuck you."

"It's pointless to try and fight me again, Nao, I have the high ground."

"Like hell I'm going to be the same person as before. I've changed Yumiko, I've gotten stronger."

"So am I, Which makes you weaker in my eyes. You better not go crying while running to your mommy this time."

"Where did all of this begin?" Yumiko asked herself as she looked at the open field where the fight knew no mercy. A punch, connects, "I felt the reverberating pain go through my face from the right to the left shaking my body's core. You feel the same way right, Nao!?"

"You're strong Yumiko." Nao dodged the left hook with a swayback and countered with an uppercut to Yumiko's chin. "You can feel it can you? The fist that once held your hand. How does it feel, this betrayal!?"

"You're nothing but a hypocrite more than anything." Yumiko gritted her teeth and launched her head forward to her face. Nao recoiled back as the blood flew out of her nose. "You betrayed me once... I thought nothing of it and in my own way, I thought we would just make up. But no, you had to let your pride succumb to our friendship!" A straight punch right at Nao's solar plexus. "And now you're doing the same thing!"

"Friendship..?" Nao gasped for air as she replied. "We had everything under control and it was working like clockwork. But no, you just had to expose everything and humiliate me in front of everyone. Anti-bullying? What a joke. Where would the proceeds even go? You had the strength to stop it yourself and that fight before we separated proved that. Don't kid yourself, you were just going to do the same thing I did, I just did it way ahead of you!"

"Don't delude yourself in that fantasy of your Nao." As if it was near invincible, Yumiko's feet reached Nao's face in less than a second, stunning her and dropping her to the ground. Yumiko launched herself on top of Nao and grabbed her by the collar. "Do you know how many what-ifs I had to ask myself in order for us to get back together again?"

Nao then replied back, "Do you know how many what-ifs I had to ask myself in order for you to understand me? You ruined my life and the only people that understand me are these abandoned delinquents that followed me because I was strong." Nao grabbed Yumiko by the collar and launched herself as a headbutt, both of them recoiling in pain. "You ruined my life, and I will take your social life as the life that I was supposed to have."

"I know I made a mistake and should've talked to you first. But this could all be avoided if you didn't abandon me for the first time."

"So this is all my fault!?"

"Wasn't it!?" Yumiko slapped Nao gently on her face. "Do you know how hard it is for me to mourn someone that's still alive?" Her grip on her collar suddenly loosened up.

"..." Nao saw the tears start to well up on Yumiko's face. She looked away and kicked her off before she could see those fall down.

Yumiko rolled back and stood up and cleared her vision by wiping her eyes. "Is this really the answer that you want Nao?"

"...More," she paused before responding. "More than anything."

Yumiko had a wry smile on her face before she takes a stance. "Goodbye, my friend."

"Goodbye, my memories."