Chapter 2

A Dangerous Prey

Ezra woke up next to a stranger, looking over at him and patting him awake. With a smile, she tells him that she hopes he is infected, because if he wasn't before he is now. She hops out of bed, pulling her clothes on and brushing her teeth with a towel in his bathroom before heading out to meet Aqil.

They regrouped at David Edmond's glass mansion, going in once both were present. The man explains to them that the job will require much care, as they will be going after an albino tiger that has been seen in No Man's Land. He says that Roan has approved this and that they will be greatly rewarded for their work. Music to their ears. They will be provided a trailer, as well as gear to capture it. They agree and are sent on their way.


Home Sweet Home

Ezra jumped out of the beat-up truck to open the gate. Aqil pulled forward in front of the garage before getting out and following Ezra inside. They had secured the house and the area surrounding it, using large fences and barbed wire to keep any infected out. Outside of the small house, Aqil has a garden with fresh vegetables and herbs, one of his greatest pride. Inside is Ezra's collection of anime media and figurines, mostly broken and faded, left behind when families fled when the outbreak first happened. Nonetheless, she loved them deeply and often puts on a working DVD or VHS before bed.

"Ez." Aqil walked over to their kitchen, washing his hands in the well-provided water. "Will you water the garden for me?"

Ezra sighed deeply, got up off the worn couch, and grabbed the pail, filling it with water. She then stomped off out of the house and into the yard. Aqil walked over to the Hissing Cockroach colony, checking on them before calling out to Ezra once more. "Ez! The colony is getting full again, you know what that means."

Even from inside he could hear her groan. Aqil fed his tarantula before starting dinner, frying up the excess cockroaches. Ezra walked back inside, having finished watering and getting back to reloading the brass.

"How do you feel about going after a whole ass tiger?" Ezra asked, taking the, now shiny, brass out and set them in a pile. She then took a different pile and began putting a new primer in them.

"Sounds dangerous." Aqil shrugged. "But with the tranq guns, I'm sure we'll be fine. I can get some help if you think we need it."

"We'll be fine." She nonchalantly reassured him. "We don't need them."

"If you say so." He walked over to put the lever down on the record before resuming cooking. After a while dinner was ready. Aqil pulled out some homebrewed liquor to go with it, setting the table for two. Ezra and Aqil ate, finishing their small portioned meal quickly. Ezra began the dishes when Aqil switched the music from ambient swing to Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult. The two of them began singing the song as loudly as they could, doing the dishes together.


A Nurse's Duty

Jade began packing the handful of things she was allowed to take with her. She was being sent out of the quarantine zone to help out where she is able to. Almost all doctors and nurses were being sent out along with her while the city got stuffed more and more full every day.

"Jade." Karim gently touched Jade's shoulder. "You don't have to go."

"I do, Karim. But I also want to." She took a deep breath. " I need to. I want to help people and there are so many people suffering right now."

Ezra looked over at Aqil who was visibly upset, but not saying anything. Ezra reached over and held his hand, squeezing it slightly. He looked over at her sadly, squeezing her hand back.

Once Jade was finished packing she turned her attention to Ezra. "Have you heard from your parents?"

"They have no way to even contact me." She shook her head. "They were headed to the Republic last time I heard."

Jade walked over to Ezra and placed her hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure they'll be fine since they're not in New Hope and the infection seems only to be here."

"I--I don't really care." Ezra quietly admitted to a saddened Jade. "They've never really been a part of my life, not like you guys. You're my real family." Ezra stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Jade. Shortly after, Aqil and Karim joined.


A Tiger Without Its Stripes

Ezra and Aqil had woke up early and drove towards the location where the tiger was last spotted. Ezra sat shotgun, one knee tucked into her chest, looking out the window as they drove. She felt sick, namely nauseous, and worried knowing she missed her period, but she refuses to believe it means anything.

Eventually, they arrived at the location, seeing a small family home secured with boarding.

"Do you think anyone lives there?" Ezra looked over at Aqil.

"Not sure." He stepped out of the truck, closing the door behind him. He walked up the pathway to the front door and knocked. Ezra followed after him, staying a few steps behind him.

After a few moments passed the door was opened up by an old man. "What can I do for you? We don't get many visitors out here."

Aqil glanced back at Ezra for a moment, as surprised someone was living here as she was. Aqil returned his attention to the old man as Ezra peered into the house behind him, seeing an older lady knitting in a rocking chair. She couldn't help but find the scene oddly funny.

"We're hunting down an albino tiger." Aqil explained. "Have you seen it around here?"

"We have. Mary and I, my wife, have lived here before this was New Hope." Ezra rolled her eyes at the old man's unnecessary explanation. "Back when the States were united. Back-"

"Where was the tiger?" Ezra cut the man off.

"East o' here." He pointed toward the mountains. "There's a crick down thataway. I think her lair is down there."

"'Kay. Thanks." Ezra grabbed Aqil's arm and pulled him away from the conversation. The two of them got back into the car where Ezra broke the silence. "Do you really think he lived before the Divided? I don't know if he looked old enough for that."

"He said he lived there since, could've been a family house." Aqil shrugged as he began driving in the direction the man had pointed.

"I guess." She shrugged, leaving them in silence once more as they drove to the creek. Eventually, they arrived, getting out of the truck once more.

"This is as far as we can take her with the trailer." Aqil checked the connection of the trailer, before walking over to Ezra. "Let's look for any caves along the river." He motioned towards the rock wall that ran along the river. It was bigger than just a creek, but Aqil figured they could still cross it by walking.

"How're we going to haul the tiger across this water? Even if it is knocked out." Ezra crossed her arms over her chest, accentuating her chest, as she looked out over the river. Aqil couldn't be but steal a glance.

"We've got a tarp. We'll just have to drag it along." He shrugged, walking over to the truck to pull it out of the back. "We should get the guns. Remember we only have a few shots each."

"You forget who you're talking to. I never miss." Ezra looked back at him with a proud smile. She grabbed the rifle and pistol out of the truck, handing one to Aqil and keeping the other for herself. "Let's go."


Aqil put his finger to his lips, signaling Ezra to quiet down. She did the same motion with her eyebrows furrowed, showing him she clearly already knew they were supposed to be quiet. The two of them slowly and carefully walked into the dark opening. Ezra stopped Aqil and grabbed his pistol, having him trade with her. She pulled out a flashlight and held it under the pistol, lighting their way.

They walked deep into the cave before the shine flashed on something. "Shit." Ezra cursed, shooting towards the now lit-up tiger, hitting its neck. "Shoot Aqil!"

Aqil shot, hitting the beast in its stomach, causing it to let out a loud roar. "Reload, reload." Aqil quickly began fumbling with the rifle as the beast got up within an instant, charging at them.

"Fuck, fuck." Ezra cursed again as she attempted to reload another syringe. The tiger pounced, causing her to close her eyes, knowing damn well she couldn't fist fight a beast like that. Ezra was knocked to the ground, the wind leaving her chest as the hundreds of pounds tumbled her to the ground, but after a few moments of no searing pain from being torn apart she opened her eyes again to see the beast on top of her but knocked out.

"Holy fucking shit." Aqil ran over to her. Together they pushed the massive animals off of Ezra and Aqil helped her back up to her feet, steadying her as she nearly fell once more.

"The wind just got knocked out of me." She tried to reassure him. "I'm alright." She stepped away from him before picking the pistol and flashlight back up off the ground. She aimed the pistol and shot it once more, hoping it would stay asleep long enough for them to get it in the trailer.

Aqil set the tarp out on the ground before the two of them rolled the tiger over onto it.

"What was that?" Ezra quickly turned to face where the tiger originally was. She scrambled to get the flashlight back out, pointing it in that direction. "It--it was a mother." Ezra watched the cowering cub in awe. "Can we keep it, Aqil? Please?!"


Facing Reality

Aqil lay on the motel room's bed playing with the tiger cub. The baby latched and bit onto the strings of his hoodie as he shook them around. Aqil had been convinced to not tell Roan and try to keep the cub instead. Ezra had assured him she'd take care of all of the house-related duties and would even ask Cohen to feed her when they were gone. Eventually, he got up and walked over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly on it. "You alright, Ez?"

"I--I'll be out soon." Ezra replied, nervously pacing the small bathroom, picking at her nail polish, a nervous habit.

"Alright." He walked back over to lay down next to the cub once more before flipping the news on. The newest lottery had been announced not long ago, but since neither of the numbers matches Ezra or his, he couldn't care less. He wasn't even sure Ezra would willingly take a life outside of No Man's Land even if they had won. She seemed to always fit here better than anywhere else.

Ezra stepped out of the bathroom, a small white stick in her hand. She held it up with Aqil who was at first confused before it hit him. "Ez…" He trailed off.

She nodded sadly, before shaking her head and breaking eye contact. "I'm pregnant."


The Old Mercenary

Aqil pulled into the detached garage before getting out. Ezra and Aqil walked into the house, one companion and many dollars richer. The job had gone off without a hitch after they got the mother into the trailer, except for the confession Ezra had made. She had refused to talk to Aqil about it since then though.

"Ez." Aqil tried again, hoping now that they were home she would talk.

Ezra set the tiger they had named Asuka down, allowing her to explore the house. She didn't respond to him as she walked over to her brass, sitting down to work on reloading once more.

"Ez. I'm just worried about you." Aqil walked over to sit next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know and I don't want to talk about it right now." She brushed him off, not looking in his direction.

"I want to be here for you, Ezra. But you've got to let me in." He gently placed his hand on hers.

"I have nothing to open up right now." She shook her head, closing her eyes. "I just want to focus on something."

"Okay." He moved back, taking a deep breath. "Cohen's should be here soon. Are you going to tell him?"

"Not right now." Ezra opened her eyes and began reloading. Aqil moved back and stood up, deciding he'd spend his time cooking and taking care of the house instead of trying to pry Ezra open.

Not long after finishing making dinner, Cohen arrived, more than willing to eat the free meal. The three of them sat down and ate, talking while eating.

"I need your help getting my money from some people."

"Can't do it yourself anymore?" Ezra raised an eyebrow. He use to be the scariest guy she knew.

"I'm not as intimidating as I was before I lost my arm." He touched his shoulder. "I'll buy you drinks and dinner if you help out."

"Agreed." Ezra smiled slightly, looking over at Aqil who shrugged.

"I'll take the couch for the night. If you'll have me, of course." Cohen asked, knowing that they wouldn't reject him.

"Only if you don't snore." Ezra laughed quietly.

"You know I'm going to, Ez." Cohen and Aqil joined in on the laughing.


Friends in Low Places

Ezra looked at the instructions one last time making sure the teen had given her the right place before knocking on the metal door. A burly man opened the door, giving her a once over.

"I think you're in the wrong place, missy." He eyed her skeptically.

"No, I'm in the right place." She tried to sound as confident as possible, but admittedly she was nervous to be here. She had gotten the underground bar's information from the guy she bought some weed from, but actually being here she was proving to herself she could do it. She's tougher than she looks…or something like that. "This is the underground bar." She spoke the last part quietly.

"You don't look old enough to be here."

"I'm not here to drink." Ezra produced a fake ID she had bought from the same weed dealer.

"Hm." The man read over her birthdate, before shrugging, moving out of the way to let her in. "Better not catch you leaving here drunk."

"Thanks." She smiled as she slipped past him, her chest touching his in the small doorway. She jogged down the stairs into the bar area, wishing Aqil didn't have garden duty tonight so he could've joined her. But she was thankful to be here regardless.

She went up to the bar, ordering a watered-down beer before finding a quiet table by itself here. She was on a mission tonight but didn't know if she'd go through with it or not.

Ezra itched at the injection zone. It was painful and swollen, but the soldiers as promised everyone that with these injections and killing everything outside the zone, within a few years life will be back to normal in New Hope.

Man caught her eye as he walked in. He was older than her father, or maybe around the same age as him. He looked weathered like he had seen some shit. She liked that. She got up to meet him at the counter, smiling at him.


The man looked down at her with a confused expression, unsure if she was talking to him or not. He looked around before concluding she was. "You look too young to be here."

"I'm old enough." Ezra crossed her arms over her chest. Another lie. "Can…I sit with you? I already have a table."

The man sighed. "I suppose."

After the man got his drink they walked back over to the drink. "I'm Ezra."

"Cohen." He looked her up and down. "How old are you, Ezra?"

"Eighteen." Ezra answered confidently, though she was only two years off, it would make a difference.

"So Ezra, why are you sitting all alone in a place like this?"

"I…uh." She picked at her nail polish. "I came to get picked up, honestly." She smiled slightly, looking back up at him.

"So is that what's happening here?" He smiled at her. "I'm your mark?"

Ezra laughed nervously, before shrugging. "I suppose."

"So what's the game plan?" He leaned back in his chair. "You have some pre-scripted lines or something?"

"I've admittedly never done this before."

"So off the cuff then." He sat forward again and leaned his arms on the table.

"Seems like you're enjoying this too much." Ezra laughed, shaking her head. "Watching my struggle."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, flashing a smile again. "Although, a pick-up line does wonders for me personally." He said grinning now.

"Okay, okay. I'll whip my best out." Ezra thought for a moment before coming up with one. "I think you infected me 'cause I'm burning up right now." She paused for a few moments waiting for him to react. "You know, cause they say when you get infected you get a fever. I did." She lifted her arm up.

"You shouldn't have gotten your injection." Cohen shook his head.

"What? Why not?"

"It's just a way to control the population. To keep them inside so they're reliant on these doses of the cure to keep them from turning."


"I figure you haven't been outside the walls."

"No, of course not. No one has been."

"That's not true. Out there the infection turns people into zombies, Ezra."

"That--that can't be true."

"But it is. That's exactly what they injected you with. Without your monthly dose, you'll turn into a mindless, flesh-hungry infected."

"Holy fuck." Ezra exclaimed, getting out of her chair. "I need to go. But…I'd like to talk again." She smiled at Cohen slightly. "Thanks."

"I'm here most nights." He bowed his head towards her as she hurried out of the bar, leaving her watered-down beer behind.


The "Muscle"

Aqil, Cohen, and Ezra all walked through the colony. Years of infected and raiders had taken a toll on the people, leaving many of them hiding in colonies. Once New Hope, now known as No Man's Land was a wasteland filled with people fighting to just survive. The only hope keeping these people going was the yearly lottery put on by the New California Republic where they give a family, or singular person, an antidote and a home in Haven. There are also whispers of Biotech Solutions giving out antidotes to a select few but most people don't believe it.

"This one." Cohen stopped leading the other two, arriving at a cloth door covering the entrance of a shipping container.

Ezra looked over at Aqil for a moment before looking back at the door and stepping in. "Hello?" She called out, to no reply.

"If he's gone, search his shit, see if you can find anything of value. He owes me quite a bit."

Aqil and Ezra began searching through the small home, toppling books off shelves, peeking between the sheets and under the lone mattress.

"Nothing." Ezra stated after they finished searching. "Unless you want a couple dirty porno mags."

"No thanks, Ez." Cohen shook his head. "Let's check the bar. He's usually there."

The three of them made their way back through the colony, arriving at the bar. "That's him over there." They peered through the window as Cohen pointed out the guy. "Bastard's spending his money on drinks rather than paying me back."

"We'll handle it. Stay here so he doesn't bolt." Ezra patted Cohen on the chest, before walking into the bar and taking a seat at the table with the man. Aqil followed her, deciding to stand behind her instead.

"Can I…do something for you?" The man seemed confused by their interruption.

"We're here for Cohen's money."

"Oh, shit." The man quickly stood up. Aqil walked around to grab his shoulder and forced him back down. "I--I don't have the money."

"Why're you here drinking with money you don't have then?"

"I know the owner. He gives me discounts." He tried to reason with them. "I'm just stressed out about my girl." Aqil sighed, looking over at Ezra expectantly. "She's pregnant you see."

The mention of this caused Aqil to look down at him.

"I don't give a shit." Ezra shook her head. "Where's the money?"

"I don't have it!" He put his hands up. "Please. I need my money for this kid, to raise him properly."

"I-" Ezra started but Aqil cut her off.

"We'll pay it off." He spoke quietly, glancing at the window Cohen was watching them through.

"No the fuck we won't." Ezra protested.

"Ez. Please." Aqil looked at her with puppy dog eyes, causing her to concede with a sigh.

"Fine. Whatever." Ezra looked away angrily. "You'll be the one telling Cohen then."


I'm So Blue

After 'finishing' the job, Cohen took them out to a nearby bar for drinks and buffalo burgers, a local favorite. Aqil tried to make a mention of Ezra drinking but was quickly shut down by her. They found a table and began eating. Behind a fenced cage was a woman singing the blues on stage. Ezra picked up an empty bottle that was yet to be cleaned up and chucked it at the woman. She flinched but was saved by the fence.

"Play something happier!" Ezra yelled at her, causing the music to stop and start up again, this time with a happier song.

"Easy, Ez." Aqil placed his hand on her shoulder which she shrugged off.

"How are you okay with him doing that, Cohen?" She huffed.

"As long as I get my money." He shrugged casually.

"You're a terrible businessman." Ezra sighed deeply, crossing her arms.

"Care to tell me what's going on between you two?" He looked between Aqil and Ezra.


"Ez…" Aqil tried, not wanting to push her.

"I'm gonna get us another round." Cohen stood up from the table and walked towards the bar.

"You shouldn't drink anymore, Ez." Aqil spoke up once Cohen was out of earshot.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." She waved him off.

"Why don't we take some time off? We've got the money from the tiger, so we can take it easy for a bit."

Ezra took a deep breath, before looking at Aqil with a small smile. "That sounds nice."


Thicker Than Water

Ezra sat on top of the roof of their apartment, taking a moment away from the cramped space. All the families living in the one apartment had learned to make due, but that didn't mean they enjoyed being stuck together.

She flipped through a photo album Karim had saved, but this one was different. It was her family's, pictures from her parents' wedding, from their honeymoon to Florida Independent, years before she was born up until baby pictures of her. Karim and Jade had kept the book updated, filling it with pictures of Ezra growing up.

Ezra pulled every photo out of its sleeve, ripping it up before dropping the scraps off the roof. She considers her parents dead to her. She's even angry that they're alive safe in the Republic, having left their own kid they never gave a shit about. Just pawning her off to the neighbors since she was a toddler, giving them a stipend to pay for her needs.

They are high-level politicians and spend most of their time out of New Hope, but she never understood why they couldn't take her with them. Aqil always told her if they wanted to, they would've, so they obviously never wanted to. She wipes her tears away as she continues ripping through the photos.