Chapter 4

There's Beauty Everywhere

"Ez, how much farther are we going?" Aqil looked around as he asked. They weren't in the nicest part of the quarantine zone, and it was past curfew.

"Stop being such a scardey cat." Ezra looked back at him with a smile.

"If dad finds out, we're both dead meat." He was visibly nervous as he followed after her.

Ezra stopped in front of the warehouse, unlocking the door and letting Aqil inside. She closed the door behind them and walked over to pull the grate open.

"Ez…where are we going?" Aqil watched as Ezra jumped down into the trench.

"Outside the wall." She answered simply. "I wanna show you something."

"Don't just skip over that like you didn't just say we're going outside the walls!" He stopped at the edge of the divot. "Ez." He spoke up again when she didn't respond, walking into the tunnel. "Ezra." He called out another time, not getting a response. He was forced to jump down and follow after her.

"I propped the door open last time I came through here." Ezra finally spoke after Aqil caught up. "So I could bring you along."

"Ezra, this is a really bad idea. Who knows what's out there?"

Ezra pushed open the door she had left slightly ajar. She walked over to a workbench and picked up a backpack that Cohen had set up for her. She also took a pistol and held it up for Aqil to see. "I know what's out there, which is why I'm bringing this."


Ezra had brought Aqil to an amusement park not far outside of the zone. They didn't even have to break in, as there was a hole large enough for the both of them to squeeze in. Ezra had taken Aqil to the Ferris wheel, where she started to climb.

"Okay, this is an even worse idea, Ez." Aqil sighed, tired of yelling at her. He was thankful they hadn't run into any of the 'infected' Ezra talked about but didn't want to push it.

"Come on, Aqil. The view will be worth it."

Aqil sighed deeply before reluctantly following after her.

"Have you heard about the infection in the zone?" Ezra called back to him, a good bit ahead of him in the climb.

"In our zone?" He looked up at her in surprise. "You--you mean infected like zombies like you said there are out here?"

"Yeah." She stopped, looking back at him. "They've been killing people to keep the rest of us from turning." She stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you know all of this, Ez? Are you sure it's even true?" They both hung at their spots a moment.

Ezra began climbing again, looking ahead of her for handholds. "Cohen told me. He knows a lot of what's going on in the city. We have to leave soon, he says."

"I think you're putting too much faith in this Cohen guy, Ezra. He sounds like he's bad news."

"He's not a bad guy. He's very helpful. He gets me things from out of the zone whenever I do jobs for him."

"You work for him?!" Aqil practically yelled out.

"Hush." She shushed him. "And yes. He has me smuggle things for him. Usually from one side of the zone to the other."

"That's a really bad idea, Ezra. What if you get caught?"

"I won't." She stated confidently, taking the last step to pull herself into one of the carriages. She held her hand out to Aqil and helped him in as well.

"Thanks." He dusted himself off before taking a seat.

"Hellva view." Ezra, still standing, looked out over the horizon.

"Don't just forget our conversation." Aqil warned, watching her as she softly looked out over the skyline. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Please just stay safe, okay?"

"I will." She looked back at him with a smile. "I promise." She pulled a candy bar out of her pocket, handing it over to Aqil. "just one of the many perks I get."

"What the hell? How did he get this?"

"He has people outside the zone who scavenge what the military hasn't." She shrugged, sitting down across from it. "Gimme half." She held her hand out to him.

He split half the bar and handed it to her before taking a bite out of his own half. He moaned, leaning back in the cart. "So good. I missed chocolate."

"See? Not so bad." Ezra laughed.

"I suppose this is nice." Aqil looked out over the view, the lights of the zone lighting up in the distance. "I guess there's beauty everywhere. Even the apocalypse."


A Baby Shower of Sorts

Ezra was playing with Asuka in the fenced-in yard. Aqil pulled into the open gate, waving at her with a smile. He jumped out and waved her over. Ezra picked Asuka up and walked over to him to see what he had in the back of the truck.

"I got some things for the baby." He patted the edge of the truck's bed.

Ezra handed him the baby tiger and climbed up the tire to look in the bed. From there, she could see a handful of things. A crib, a high chair, and a colorful plastic playhouse.

"I also got us a baby seat for the truck and some clothes." He beamed as he spoke.

Ezra jumped down before touching Aqil's face, leaning in to gently kiss him. Aqil's goofy smile stayed on his face as she pulled back. She patted his cheek gently.

"Let's move the stuff inside." Ezra walked around to pull the tailgate down. They began bringing to stuff Aqil had gotten inside, finding what little space they had for everything.

"Guess I've got no choice but to keep the kid now." Ezra joked as she sat down on the couch once they had finished moving furniture around.

"Guess so." Aqil laughed. "Cohen told me he has a job for us tomorrow. He wanted us to head over there."

Ezra nodded. "Alright. Any clue what is it?"

"No idea." Aqil shrugged, finishing setting up the hanging mobile. He walked over to sit down next to Ezra.

"You know, Asuka will be a great guard dog for this place, especially when she gets bigger."

"For sure."


Decade Old Tears

Ezra and Aqil were sharing the bed. Aqil was cuddled against her back, sharing warmth. Ezra is crying quietly, thinking about her own parents now that she's going to be one. She silently promises her kid she's going to be everything her parents weren't. She'll never abandon them the way they did her.

Aqil wakes up to her sobs, asking her what's wrong. She lies, saying it's nothing and it's just because of her pregnancy hormones. He asks her to roll over. She does. He cuddles her against him, allowing her to cry into his chest.


Porcelain Doll Syndrome

"Biotech." Cohen placed his hands on the table. "They want you two again."

"Really?" Ezra looked at him, surprised. "We must've really made an impression." She looked over at Aqil.

"No kidding." He smiled. "Well, what'd they say, Cohen?"

"I'll give you the correspondence." He pulled some papers out of his bag and handed them to Aqil.

"Cohen…" Ezra took a deep breath. "We have something to tell you."

"Hm?" He looked back over at Ezra.

She stood up from the table before placing her hand on her growing stomach.

"You're…pregnant?" Cohen looked at her with wide eyes. "Who's the father?"

Ezra shrugged. "No clue." She sat back down at the table. "But yeah. We're having a baby."

"We? Finally gave the boy a chance, huh?" Cohen laughed heartily. "Good for you two."

"Will you try to convince her that she shouldn't do jobs now?" Aqil asked Cohen seriously.

"I'm not fragile." She crossed her arms, shaking her head. "And I'm not letting you go without me."

"She'll be fine. She's tough." Cohen took Ezra's side, causing Aqil to slump down.


Survival of the Richest

The Humvee pulled to a stop in front of the compound. The large compound was surrounded by concrete and barbed wire walls and fronted by a large gate.

"Alright," Mack spoke up over to headset, "everyone ready to roll out?"

"Are you sure we were invited?" Ezra asked, eyeing the guys with guns at the entrance.

"Positive. Biotech has a deal to make with him. You two are just bodyguards, for now. Only shoot if shot at, roger that?"

"Roger." Ezra and Aqil nodded, though Ezra more surely than him.

The Humvee pulled into the gateway after it was opened and started down the main path. Ezra watched out the window as they drove by. Every guard they passed had a gun and a collar, but not everyone seemed to have a collar, interestingly.

"What is there to know about this guy?" Ezra asked.

"He's started some sort of religion." Shaheen responded. "His followers go to colonies to convert, enslave, or murder those who live there." He spat the words out, obviously not supporting them. "They also take all their supplies."

"Why the fuck is Biotech making a deal with them then?"

"Because they have power." Mack answered simply.

"I'd say I expected better from them, but I'd be lying." Ezra crossed her arms over her chest, frowning.

Eventually, they arrived at the main building of the compound, an old church. They exited the Humvee, Mack eyeing Ezra's stomach once more. He no doubt knew she was pregnant but wasn't going to bring it up now.

The conversation was boring, leading Ezra to zone out and not listen to the leader's ramblings, but she perked up as soon as there was gunfire outside. She grabbed out her gun and looked over at Aqil, who did the same.


"I heard it." He glanced over at him.

"Must be those damn raiders again." The leader cursed under his breath. "Kill them and our deal is complete." The leader stood up from his makeshift throne.

"Aqil." Ezra whispered to him as they got into position behind the pews, watching the door of the church. "What if those 'raiders' are just people from one of the colonies they attacked?"

"What if they're not?" He shrugged uncertainly. "Raiders aren't uncommon out here."

"Let's go." She grabbed his arm, pulling him along as she moved to the side door.

"Fall back." Mack spoke over the comms.

"I'm not being paid well enough to sit around and help some rich asshole help another rich asshole."

"Ezra, come on." Mack tried." I don't like it more than you do, but we have a job. You know that."

Ezra stood up fully and pointed her gun at the leader. He quickly put his hands up and cowered in fear. "Get up." She stomped over to him, putting her gun to his head. "Where are your valuables?"

"You can't just let her do this!" The man pleaded to the Biotech soldiers. "You need me."

"No, we don't." Mack shook his head, speaking after a while of silence. "Listen to the lady."

The man looked up at Ezra in fear, scrambling out of his chair. Ezra picked him up by the collar and pulled him to his feet. "Take us. Now."

The man lead the group to a office, moving a painting out of the way to reveal a safe. He began unlocking it, begging for his life. Ezra waited for him to open it, before smearing his brains all over the wall.

"Ezra!" Mack yelled out.

"Take his loot and let this place sort out itself."


"Biotech isn't going to be happy with you two after this." Mack ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not in the mood to play their sick games, fucking more people over." Ezra shook her head.

"How long you've been pregnant for?" Felix quietly asked, more interested in that.

"I-" Ezra looked at them in surprise. "Few months now."

"I know Sebastian will be mad," Felix looked over at Mack, "but what if we blame it on the raiders? Say we got there afterwards."

Mack nodded slowly. "Shaheen?"

"You know I am no fan of that man. I think Ezra did the right thing."

"I'm kinda in agreement." Felix shrugged weakly.

Mack took a deep breath. "No one tells him different, squad."

"Roger that!" The two echoed each other.


Air-Tight Life

"Ez!" Aqil called out as she pulled into the driveway, jumping out of the truck as soon as he stopped. He jogged into the house, a package in his arms. "Ez!" He smiled as he saw her laying down on the couch, a bowl of food resting on her large stomach.

"What? What?" She attempted to sit up, looking confused by his excitement.

"I got something for you. I traded a few things for it, and I thought you'd like it." He set the package down on the coffee table.

She moved, so she was sitting normally to hover over the package. She peeked inside, seeing a glass globe with plant life inside. "Damn, that's cool."

"It's been sealed for twenty years, and after all that time, life flourishes inside." He paused for a moment. "There's always beauty; sometimes you've just got to look for it."

There's Beauty Here

"Aqil, Aqil." Ezra shook him awake.

He shot up in the bed. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine." She smiled, trying to reassure him. "Just give me your hand." He held his hand out to her. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach, where the baby was kicking. She smiled over at him, teary-eyed. "You're right, Aqil. There is beauty in this shitty world."

Aqil moved over to kiss her, running her fingers through her hair. "There is."